
Monday, July 22, 2019

Strippy Scrappy sewing and.... a Horse???

I was at a Quilting Sew in and a friend - Linda, came over and said.... I have this for you.

and I was curious... I didn't know what she would have, and I was scared.   ( okay, not really, but it sounds good here.... makes it sound like my life has.... depth)

She showed me the prettiest Horse Panel and she told me that she saw it and got it just for me.

Well heck!! You can't put that away then! Something must come of it ,.... and Quickly

So here is where I am...

I Think the Yellows bring out the colors of the horse, and make him pop. I am thinking of a Light Blue or Dark blue inner border to bring the Panel up to the block size.... and then I am not sure where I am going to go with it.

But we are loving him.

NONE of my horses are this color. So he is rounding out my herd.... WITH NO EXTRA FOOD COSTS - ha ha ha ha.... I crack myself up!!

Thank you Ms Linda for thinking of me when you saw this!!

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday
Main Crush Monday
Monday Making
Moving It Forward
What I made Monday

Lets Bee Social
Mid Week Makers


  1. Gorgeous panel! And I love what you're doing with it and where you're going--the light blue that is. Your friend knows you well!

  2. Fun and to surround him with rail fence blocks

  3. Hi Alicya, that's a great idea for working with a panel. I'll have to keep that in mind since I've been working with panels to practice my FMQ. It would be nice to be able to make the panel bigger without just adding an extra border!

  4. Very nice, reminds me of split rail fences in a pasture. Well, what do I know, I live in a first ring suburb.

  5. My inclination would be a dark green or a light to medium blue for bringing the panel up to the block size. I'd have to see the options to make a choice. What you've got going looks SEW good!!

  6. No food expenses, no vet expenses...sounds like the right horse for me! Thanks for linking up to What I Made Monday.

  7. I vote for dark green too, or maybe the darkest gray in the rocks. But poor guy, you are fencing him in.......:{

    I enjoy panels too, but get eternally frustrated because they aren't printed straight on the fabric, or I can't get something sewing on without a little 'blip' of the color just beyond. Reminds me, I have several that need to be finished.

  8. I've got some patriotic panels but I never know what to do with them. This might be a start? Love yours!

  9. What a beautiful panel!! What about making the frame for the panel look like the frame of a it looks like he has really joined your herd?? Love your string rail fences!

  10. Doesn't it just warm your heart when a friend thinks of you and what fabric you might like:)

  11. You may not feed him but I am sure he gets a lot of petting :-D
    A blue border sounds good and the golden yellows are a great start. How will it all turn out? Only one way to know. Just do it, Alycia!!!

  12. Looking good so far! Try throwing in some grass green maybe??


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