
Friday, November 30, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies .. its a top

My Log Cabin Loonie is now a top!!

I am so happy - and so surprised as to how many leftovers  are left!

Here it is up on the design wall.....

And here it is all Topped
and draped over the Chair

and a close up

and Now!!!

There are still leftovers!

So here is the deal~
I am done with these ~
I had a blast ~
made a quilt~
and now they need to go in someone else's quilt..

There are probably enough to create a whole 'nother quilt.... mine was 60in x 75in...

So!!! If you want these leftovers... they are yours (within the US)
Just leave me a comment and in that comment say ME!

If there is more than one ME! I will choose a name on Tuesday and mail them to you!!

Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop
TGIF Friday at Summer Lee Quilts
Finished or Not Finished

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Quilts of Valor in Colorado

Oh man - do I have a great batch of QOV's to show you today!!!

I hope you find some inspirations!

The two above were pieced by Barb of Barobs Book Blog
and Quilted by Crystal in Denver

These two below are tops
They were put together by Jean K
She is a Coloradoan by heart - but she now lives in Texas!
I sent her 2 sets of blocks from our Flags for Sue
and ta-da!

The quilt on the Left was pieced and quilted by Deb C - that pattern is a Mystery Pattern designed by Quiltygirl ( me!)  and can be found here:  Field of Stars

On the right - I apologize - this was given to me, and there was no documentation with it - and I don't recall who made it - but its pretty cool!

Another Anonymous Quilts

Above and below
There was no documentation with all three of these.
I try really hard to come right home and pin stuff to them - but I will say 
I messed up this time!

They are sure lovely quilts!!

See you soon......

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Virtual Cookie Exchange

Its a Virtual Cookie Exchange! Welcome!!
This cookie exchange is hosted by Just Let Me Quilt

Each day visit the links below and get a new cookie/candy recipe - and!!! If you make them each day you will be totally ready for Christmas.... and probably suffering from Sugar Overload - ha!

My Recipe is for
  Chocolate Truffles

I make these and have to hide them, as everyone in the house digs in - and Poof - like that - they are gone!

So here we go!

16 Oz Chocolate Chips ( I used 2 2/3 cup of Nestle Tollhouse)
1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1/2 cup Butter

2 cups white dipping chocolate or Dark Dipping Chocolate ( I used Ghiradellis)
2 crushes candy canes


Melt Butter in a saucepan over medium heat. 

Add in Cream when butter is just about melted

Increase the heat slightly and using a whisk stir constantly, but gently
Heat until mix just barely comes to a boil.

Remove from heat and add in Chocolate Chips

Stir gently - mixing until smooth.

Place entire pan in the fridge for several hours until cooled

Go sew!!

When mix is solid ( mine took about 3 hours)
Scoop out small balls of the mix, shape into little balls and place on Wax or parchment paper on a cookie tray.

I scooped all of mine out, then rolled them - and I worked quick, as they will melt and get sticky.

Place them on the tray, in the freezer for at least an hour

And GO SEW!!

 I decided to dip half of mine in White Chocolate, and half in Dark Chocolate. and since White chocolate is easier for you to see - that is your photographed version.

I melted the white Chips in my small little crock pot 

 Then I lifted each truffle on a fork, rolled it in the chocolate and gently put in back on the tray. Quickly I sprinkled Crushed peppermints on them. If you don't do it right away - the chocolate coating hardens and they won't stick.

I put mine back on the tray and stuck them in the fridge while I worked on Tray 2

This is what the inside looks like - and its really really yummy

Each batch makes about 50 truffles and if you are quick enough you may get to eat one or two

Before they are gone!

But if you are really smart you will put some in a ziploc container, label it turkey gizzards,
stash it in the back of the fridge and save it for when you need a little quilting break!

Enjoy checking out the other recipes!!


Monday, November 26, 2018

Back to the Churn Dash

So I might have moved my Log Cabin Loonies off the design wall.... and put up the next project.

I sure thought I was a lot farther on it when I took it down, than I really am.... *sigh*

Oh well - I still like it!!!

You know what is funny tho?  I just went back to the original Layout post - and see if you can see what I did when Re-laying out the blocks

and just a reminder - I did post a little Tute about the sizes that the churns are
Churn Dash sizes and Tutorial

Since Thanksgiving is over - the family said it was okay to get my Christmas Quilts out. While doing that I updated my Quiltygirl Facebook Page header with a few of them. It made the house look cozy!

Hope you will come back Tuesday!! I am participating in the Virtual Cookie Exchange - and I HAVE A RECIPE to SHARE.... and it's Yummy!!!

Linking to:

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Rockies

I want to share some of the last of the photos of this hike...

I did take over 700 photos - thank goodness for digital. 

My goal in September and October was to  hike at least one day a week. We did pretty good at getting that done, and the places we went just exploded with color and variety!

These are the last I will show you of this particular hike :
Here are the other posts just in case:

It is just amazing to me how much beauty there really is in the world - and if you try hard enough you surely can find it!

I liked seeing the small patches of color as they were changing, they add so much to the mountainside!

This was on our way back down, we hiked up enough to look at this lake and think it was the Size of a quarter - and then you get to it, and its not as small as you think!

This is just to prove that I do really use a camera - My sweet other half thought he was funny and said that no one would believe they were mine, and that I stole the photos from his iphone..... no dessert for him right????

we hiked up to that!!

And would I be me if I didn't leave you with a Black and White photo?

we drove down the mountain from our trail and decided it would be fun to swing around into estes park. Oh man the Elk were out - but these people!
They  schooch up and try to get so close to them
I am not sure they are being brilliant

But it was cool to see them hanging around - I took my photo from my Telephoto lens in the car. I didn't want to bother them .

Now I will start working on the photos from our next adventure.... It took us to the 2 mile high city.........

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

QOV Colorado - A few Beauties

Happy Wednesday!! 

I have been practicing for my day on the Virtual Cookie Exchange - and it is making my family happy... apparently they like sweets and I don't make them enough????

But now I am ready to do a little quilting..... You know while stuff bakes!!

The Pride City Quilt Guild has been such a blessing to us! They are just the most awesome pillowcase makers! Each of our Quilts of Valor go into a pillowcase after being washed and I love how cool they look. Thank to the Pride City Quilt guild - we are totally covered !!

This is Bernie and her granddaughters version of *THE PATRIOT*  It was a mystery quilt that we did here on the blog! I like it!!

A little CLose up of the quilting

And Ms Kim - She pieced, and quilted this awesome Flags for Sue quilt!

Pretty awesome right?

And here is Ms Deb with her THE PATRIOT
Quilt - I got to quilt it for her!!
What fun!

have a great day!!!
and enjoy what ever you are doing!
( I am baking cookies!! Whoot Whoot)

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

RoadRunner or Ptarmigan

The Bird that I posted on my hiking photo was popular!!  There was a little debate if it was a Ptarmigan or a Roadrunner.... and to be honest - I didn't ask it.... so I don't know!!!

It was just a guess - So we googled it

The biggest thing that stands out to me - it this bird is not thin like the roadrunner photos....

and..... The info says that Roadrunners don't reside about 9000 ft.....

We were at 11,800 ft......

So that was my biggest reasoning for thinking it was a ptarmigan

Now I am going to rename this bird.... Ptarmarunner!!

Ha ha
Thanks for the comments - it made us research a little!

Oh and thanks for the other comment... it may be a blue grouse... Google that too readers.... I think unknown may be on to something!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The hike to the top

So yesterday we had freezing rain, and Ice all over the road. Cars were sliding off, the high school playoff football game was postponed ( thats HUGE) and the temps just kept dropping.....

So I thought today I would show you more of my photos of our hike to the Continental Divide - because.... well it was warm there - ha ha!

This is us - Pretty much at the top - Who knew that you wouldn't be on a precipice?  But Isn't it gorgeous!!

This was some of the mountain Sides that we saw - I thought it was so cool how one yellow tree would be right there in the middle

And the colors - the deep reds, the yellows - I am sure it got better as time went on - but I sure liked the time we were there!

and some parts were just so dense and dark
with just a little light shining through


Look at the way he eats!

We sat for a lunch break and this bird comes running from behind us, across the trail
and took off
I think It is a Ptarmigan

And if i didn't have a Black and White Tree photo
Would you know it was me?

Just not a bad view from any direction

Happy Trails Y'All.....