
Friday, June 23, 2017

T Shirt Quilts

I am a HUGE fan of T Shirt Quilts!!  My kids have so many shirts, that I can't wait to get them into quilts, and get the excess parts out of here......

One of my friends was a Big Marathoner!! He had bags of Marathon and 5K and running shirts... and so... we dug through - and about 50 shirts later.....

Ta Da!!

So this is the front of the quilt... we chose to just use the logos as they fit, versus using each T as the same Size

And this is the back!
Each shirt is a square on this side

I was able to make them the exact same width, but needed a little extra on the length
I think it turned out pretty cool!!

And then my other Friends Son was graduating from High School
Which is so weird - because I still see him as 2!!!!

And this is what we did with his shirts

and then we made a pillowcase out of the backs of the Ts
Too much fun!!


  1. WOW!! You've really been busy. They look GREAT and I'm sure will be loved and used.

  2. What great memories for them. I really like the blocks rather than the whole shirts....they both look fantastic!

  3. Those are a lot of fun T-shirt quilts. And they have so much meaning to the recipients. --Andrea

  4. I already knew this but this confirms that you are a very good person. Making tshirt quilts gives me hives! I've done 3 or 4 and hope not to have to ever do another one.

  5. great job on the t-shirt quilts, I have done 3 and was surprised how fun they were to make

  6. I love t-shirt quilts! Perfect job with the 2 sided t-shirt quilt. I have never made a t-shirt quilt without sashing. I can see where you would gain space.

  7. These look great! Your friends are very lucky!

  8. Alycia,
    WOWEE! You rock on the t-shirt quilts. WOW - front and back - sooooo COOL. I would love, love, love that . . . and I've never tried to make one but have a bag of my brother's t-shirts that I saved (he passed away almost two years ago). Soon hopefully. ~smile~

  9. Years ago, I vowed NEVER to do another two-sided T-Quilt. How did your machine handle having T-shirts on both sides? Both of those quilts turned out GREAT!!

  10. The top t shirt quilt is awesome! I love how it's reversible. The quilting design really makes it sing. Great job on both!

  11. Love both T-Shirt quilts. Great quilting!

  12. I have NEVER heard (read) of anyone that liked to make t-shirt quilts, but.... I think you had better start giving lessons or writing a book. Those quilts will mean more to the recipients than any quilt made of the "perfect" fabric, colors and pattern.

    GREAT job!

  13. Those are fantastic! I haven't found many people that love t-shirt quilts! What's your secret?? Are you an interfacing or no interfacing believer? Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!


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