
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Quilts of Valor ...... June 17

Oh La La.... The Mystery is getting Closer......

Alright On to this weeks Quilts!!

All of these were made by my fantastic Greeley Group
But they are so sneaky - and we like to label them
From Loving Hands...

So ... Be inspired

The one above is a string Quilt
Below is this pattern:

I am not sure but I love it!
Below is another Zig Zag Rails

And A Zig Zag Laid out differently

Above and Below
Atkinson Design Lasagna Quilt Pattern

This one was made by Kathy and Connie
I think ( emphasis on the think)
it is the three Tours Quilt that was in Fons and Porter?

And this beauty below
was made by Marilyn

mark your calendars for July 5th
This is a fun Quick Mystery 
Each Clue will seriously take 1 hour or less.
I have timed it, and I beat the clock each time!


  1. Looking forward to the Mystery. The last one was really fun and the pattern is beautiful. Thank you.

  2. Again, another delightful set of quilt tops for a good cause. I still have to decide if I'll be able to do the mystery quilt. Will the clues be listed here or on the QOV website. I'm still a semi-newbie blogger figuring things out. --Andrea

  3. Beautiful!! Thanks for linking up!

  4. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I'm looking forward to the mystery. At the moment I'm working on the pattern McCalls had out from their Just One Star pattern. Using up odds and ends from other projects and have surprised myself with 20 stars. Instead of doing them one at a time I just cut a larger amount of each width and did each section all at once like you do for the mystery's. Made it so much easier to sew together. Thanks for all the time you put into this. Sharon Downey in Kentucky.

  5. Love them all! So many beautiful quilts.

  6. So many beautiful quilts!!

  7. Looking forward to the A6 Mystery! Thanks for sharing all of the wonderful QOV quilts that you have received to make some veterans "feel the love."

  8. Would love to participate. Maybe a week or so later. Will be on vacation with grand-kiddos at Disney over the fourth.

    Betty B
    Cypress TX

  9. Carlie Nichols7:54 PM

    Oh wow! More inspiration, like I need it! Not enough hours or years to make all you share, but really love them. Thanks. Carlie


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