
Monday, June 19, 2017

A new Quilt

My youngest son is in 4H, and every year that he has been in 4H he has participated in the Quilting Category. Most years - he makes a Quilt of Valor.....

This year....

He is making a new quilt for him.   He has grown quite a bit in the last year, and most quilts he owns - aren't quite long enough for him.... so!  He is remedying that.

He started cutting his fabrics, and got all mathy...

That is a word - I promise... Mathy.... quilters get it right???

And then he started laying pieces out

and this is where he is at the moment
He'll get to sewing some more today and we will take measurements and move on!

and.... My Oldest Kid had a birthday
This one was actually born on Fathers Day
and his birthday was on Fathers Day this year

kinda cool

Pumpkin Pie you ask?
Why yes that is Pumpkin Pie....

and he did blow out alllllll the candles ( ha ha)

Linking to:

Monday Maiking
Design Wall Monday ( or Floor)


  1. Judy V in Thornton CO5:59 AM

    What a neat idea for your birthday son's quilt!

  2. Your son's quilt is so much fun! Who would have thought that a teenager would like Elvis Presley?!

  3. Love your dear boy,impressed by his quilting and also love pumpkin pie.

  4. Elvis and Mathy together! :) I love it. And yeah for him making his own quilt with all those fabulous Hawaiian prints. It's going to be fabulous and I can't wait to see more.
    Pumpkin birthday pie and blowing out all that flame.......perfect birthday!

  5. Hi Alycia,
    Oh, I love that Elvis quilt and the fabrics he chose. How fabulous that he is making his own quilt. My bestie is not a cake person and she, too, blows out the candle (one) on her pie for birthdays. ~smile~

  6. I love that your son is learning how to quilt! I didn't realize 4H had that category!

  7. Quilting son has thrown water all over the idea that guys don't want flowers on their quilts. How refreshing! And sometimes that includes the quilting design... Happy birthday to the pumpkin pie lover. He can have any of it that comes my way! Have a great week.

  8. Best wishes to the birthday boy!! His quilt will be beautiful. My one granddaughter likes a pumpkin pie for her birthday too

  9. I love this quilt I think all young men and women should be taught to be totally able to care for themselves when they leave "the nest." That includes cooking, cleaning, car maintenance. etc. Hurray for him. Happy birthday !!

  10. When it's YOUR birthday, you get to decide on the pie, cake, or whatever. Congrats to all the good kids in your life. I suspect you had something to do with it.

  11. PS. Well I know there is a rule about "closing your cover after striking (cutting), but how many of us cut SHIRT-LESS?

  12. My son always wants pumpkin pie for his birthday, too! He's 51, so I've been making him birthday pies for a long time. I worked at a university while he was a student there. He had a part time job in an office where everybody knew me. He told them, "My Mom has never made me a birthday cake." And waited a while to tell them about his birthday pies. So I wish a special happy birthday to YOUR pie-lover. Dot

  13. Hooray for a NEW quilt, Little bit!! (And Happy Birthday to Oldest Kid!!)

  14. I like the pumpkin pie birthday cake! I love pumpkin pie, so it works for me. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday ( floor this week, in my case).


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