
Monday, June 26, 2017

EnProvence - its back on the design wall...

I'm not sure I should really post this - because my Follow Thru on this quilt has been so..... lazy!!!

Can you Imagine? Me!!! Lazy......  Alright... pick yourself up - get to reading!!

And the funny thing?? I LOOOOVE this quilt - this design of Bonnie Hunters is just amazing
( well, don't tell her, I like them all - but this current mystery!! The best by far!)

Ok - I can tell - the suspense is killing you.....

Ha ha!! Got you!!
That my friend is  Watermelon Art!

ps.... it's an elephant!

Alright  for real this time...

I made a few changes to her design - one by mistake and one on purpose..

The mistake.... I forgot to use the second shade of blues that she used in the 4 patches... oops
The intent .... I changed the center of the stars to a red, instead of leaving them the light as she does.

but! I like it

and on that note -- just because I made changes does not make this my original design. I sort of get bothered by that - when someone takes your pattern, adds a border, or removes a border, or changes a color,  and now calls it their "Original Design"  .  This is still, in no uncertain terms - a "Bonnie Hunter" design.   it is just my interpretation of it.

Wish me luck.... my vision.... to finish it before July is Over....  So.... It is my One Monthly Goal

Linking up to:

Design Wall Monday
Monday Making
Main Crush Monday
Moving it Forward
Wedmesday Wait Loss


  1. What? you are up so early! I have been up all night. Catching up on videos, blogs and all of crazy mom quilts Friday finishes. What fun. Love your blog. I will be back from the middle US fly over state.

  2. Alycia it is gorgeous the way you placed your colors- so love it!! You definitely are not a lazy person-ever!

  3. Love it! I really need to get to work on mine, you have inspired me!

  4. It is a gorgeous design! And thank you for pointing out that by adding or subtracting a border or changing a color does not make it new and original!!

  5. I love your elephant! I've been supposed to crochet one for about a year now; perhaps you've inspired me... oh, and aside from this being a lovely interpretation of a Bonnie Hunter design, it stil. Can have your name on it. It's your interpretation. :)

  6. I like it too, that is the fun in quilting, we can add our own spin and design ideas to make the quilt perfect for us.

  7. I like your interpretation of Bonnie's design (I use that kind of language too - inspired by . . . ) Good luck with your July goal!

  8. That is just STUNNING! Don't know what it would look like with the lighter color for stars, but your red really works! Thanks for sharing :) (And yes, I can see the elephant)

  9. Oh my goodness! This is gorgeous! This really makes Bonnie's pattern sing. I just completed (along with a couple of friend's) making an En Provence in black, greys, and whites with a little red. Getting those color placements correctly was a little challenging. You're inspiring me to make another :-)

  10. You are making me wish I had done her mystery last year. Still have too many UFOs to finish. I am throwing in a new quilt every once and a while. For some reason I am not making all that much project at finishing UFOs. Are you ready to border the quilt?

  11. Great interpretation.

  12. I like your En Provence interpretation. Very pretty. It is always fun to see what people make with Bonnie Hunter's mystery deigns. I look forward to the show every year.

  13. It's beautiful. I like your color choices even better than the original. My En Provence is also still on the design wall. Units are done so I really just need to make blocks and then put them together.

  14. I love your colors and how you put the red centers in the stars. This is great. You are definitely not lazy. I wish I had a quarter of your energy!

  15. I love your version. I like BH designs but they are often a little too busy for my taste. Your "mistake"with the blues was a good one IMHO.

  16. stunning love your choice and placement of colors. the little deviations make it more interesting

  17. This is so beautiful! Your color scheme is fantastic.

  18. I got to meet Bonnie two weeks ago! She is as nice in person as on her blog. Her memory is amazing! Two of my quilts showed up in the show and share from that trunk show. Its amazing how many people use her patterns. she LOVES it when you tweek it to make it your own. I am up for the mystery. I am already a member of that mystery group. Do I need to sign up or just get the info thru my reg posts? Thanks! Beth in AZ/bzyqltr/soccertxi

  19. Your version is beautiful! I can't wait to see it finished. Good luck!

  20. Bonnie what the very first quilter that I started following. Her Sisters Choice was my first quilt I did by her and my 2nd quilt every! Her first mystery that I did was Easy Street! I went back and read every one of her her blog posts from when she first started blogging! I learned so much!

    I love your interpretation of Bonnie's quilt! It makes it more like a QOV quilt!

  21. I like your En Provence version just as well as Bonnie's. Great job!

  22. Carlie Nichols8:14 PM

    Thanks so much for your interpretation. I love Bonnie's pattern. She came and taught one of our workshops-she changed my way of quilting. Hooray. Carlie

  23. I love Bonnie's designs too and your interpretation is STUNNING!

  24. Great colors in your interpretation, good luck with the finish!

  25. Beautiful quilt! Love your interpretation.

  26. Good luck getting it finished!

  27. I agree with you that the credit belongs to the real designer. Altho there is a recipe I have that everyone loves. I tend to take squatter rights. Anyway, this is lovely!

  28. Beautiful quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  29. Wonderful quilt! I like your changes, whether or not they were accidental! Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss.

  30. Your interpretation looks great. Good luck on getting it finished up. You aren't as far behind as you think, I'm still making blocks for my version.


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