
Monday, August 05, 2024

The first week of a Month about me ;-)

I think this might be a good idea!! Maybe I will have to incorporate this *Month of Me* every year!!! 

I am having too much fun with no stress. The first day I had  QOV zoom meeting, and it was one with no questions - they were just detailing some of the things we need to know and introducing us to the new Director. Did you know there is a QOV backlog?

Sunset after smoke from the the fires are moved out a bit

There are a few states that have more requests than Quilts. So QOV is asking us to share any extras - so!! If you are one that has wanted to make a Quilt of Valor - you can email them on the website ( - they have places for it to go.

 My Dog Trainer came!!! I have decided I am not equipped to make these dogs love each other - and I am missing something. So She came over!! Yes!!  a traveling Dog trainer - I love it. We learned that Daisy needs more personal space than Bella does, so she gave me a lot of things to work on.

I know they are *This Close* to loving each other. I just don't know the next proper steps. 

So Daisy (left) is less trained that we thought - so we are going back to basics with her... but she does have a lot of basics. 

She also has the desire to run like the wind and ignore you... not so good when she finds a bunny!!!

Saturday - we competed on our Horses again - and lawsy mercy people!! We must have walked 7 miles, getting to and from the competition rings. My feet hurt, and on the last walk - My horse Vapor locked haha. It was 100 degrees and no shade.  We park our trailers at angles to make shade for them. 

She got to a part of the hill and just stopped. She was done! we convinced her - but man was she happy when we took the saddle off and pulled out the hay and cool water.

I got a little bit of quilting in. There was a tag on this quilt with the year it was made ( and I don't think I made it)  - But lets just say - it was TIME!!!! I will show you it when I finally have the binding on..... Fun to quilt one of them in my *to be done someday * pile.

I got to see sunrises from the ground. Lately we have been horseback when the sun comes up - so this was a nice little change to see... and the smoke from the three fires to the east of us sure adds color.

I have a lot of other things on my To do list now - I wrote them all down. That is sometimes good and sometimes bad . Often I write them down - then consider them done and start new things.... oops

This time... man I am going to give it a try!! I think I am off to a good start!

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  1. Enjoy your month about you! Well deserved. Hope your dogs figure out how much fun they can have together. I have some quilts to donate to QOVF. I will contact them. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. That sunset is spectacular, and I love the sunrise photo too. Good luck with your puppies, sounds like you are on the right track. Can you see mountains from your location? I love the expanse of land you can see! Keep enjoying your month. ;)

  3. Good attitude on your part! Life is filled up with good things for you!!!

  4. A traveling dog trainer , really? My that is a wonderful thing. Will she come to NC? Of course, I don't have my dog yet, but she will be BIG and she will need training. I have read on a dog-related blog, that having two females in the house is not a good idea. Not sure why though.

    The photos are wonderful today. I'm enjoying them prior to heading out to work in the big box store. Thank you for sharing.

    San / Murphy, NC

  5. You are enjoying your month - good for you. Ah, the people/dog trainer...always a huge help. I am sure the dogs will figure it out, with everyone's help. Oh, what a beautiful sunrise...sorry some of it is from the smoke...but beautiful nonetheless.

  6. So glad your "me month" has gotten off to a good start. Sometimes you do have to just "do" you and let the rest go.

  7. Smoke sure makes for interesting looking sunrises and sunsets! I'm glad you are enjoying a month for you! We give so much of ourselves that sometimes, we need to replenish ourselves so we can continue to give! Your horse was smart! I probably wouldn't have made it up the hilt! Your sneak peak at the quilting is lovely!

  8. Lovely photos. Your special month seems to be off to a great start.

  9. A month of me sounds fantastic! I gotta figure out how to schedule one of those! (You'd think it'd be easy enough but my hubs likes to start scheduling things for US. LOL)


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