
Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Jelly Roll Sew Day Rail Fence idea....

 In September our QOV group is going to do a Jelly Roll Sew day - you know September is the month of the Jelly Roll.... so This is what I have come up with so far....

From One Jelly Roll I can get 32 - 10 1/2 inch blocks - and use all of them this way.  I am going to measure my setting triangles and then will write up a quick pattern to get it to 60 x 80 . If your interested I will share here when I'm done - but I think this will make a great QOV quilt - and it uses the WHOLE jelly roll.


Also - I saw a video about preparing Freezer meals in the raw - and I thought - Hmmm.... that sounds cool. I don't want any of my veggies to go to waste. The first thing I made was:

Pan Oven Fajitas. I had too many bell peppers and onions and I didn't want them to go bad - so I put sliced them and added some mushrooms, a little celery and Beef Strips.  I piled it all in a ziploc bag, put some soy sauce and some Lime juice on it and froze it!

Two weeks later (last night)- we had this!! I just added sour cream and guac. I think I like how it turned out. I didn't waste veggies and I didn't have to really cook. 

Have you ever done this? Prepped all your meals in freezer bags? I'm not sure I'd do it for every meal - but it might be nice to do it with my extras - and not waste any food.

They recommended these bag holders :

have you ever tried them? I don't know that you'd need them - but then again - I spill  - A LOT - maybe it would help me not be so messy?

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Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrications


  1. I used to do this with strawberries when buying in bulk...clean and freeze 500g with sugar and lemon (for pectin to set) ... cook 12 mins in microwave, perfect for a single jar of jam. Don't eat jam anymore!

  2. I should a lot as well 😜. I've considered those holders, but never hit add to cart. πŸ˜‚

    Love the QOV idea!! My quilting friends and I are going on a retreat in September. I think we need to make this!

  3. Love that rail fence layout! The fabrics really make it pop.
    I froze raw peppers a couple years ago, but there was a mushy factor when I cooked them. They were OK, but I decided I might just cook them before freezing next time. I've not had enough peppers this year to try it!

  4. The jelly roll quilt is a definite winner!!! Good job! The fajita from the freezer meal is a great idea!

  5. Looking forward to your tutorial of the jelly roll QOV! Thanks so much for the generous tips you share! Beth in AL

  6. Love the Rail fence and the size! I need to do more freezer meals. I have made Yard Sauce that I read on Jo's Country Junction and that is pretty cool.

  7. I have those bag holder and love them!!! I also bought a cheese grater and now I never buy shredded cheese. Too many additives to keep it from clumping.

  8. I would love to try your jelly roll rail fence pattern. I have tried pre-freezing several one pan baked as well as for Instant Pot. They are wonderful for ease of cleanup and save time as well as taste great.

  9. The Jelly Roll blocks turned out nicely. Even better if you can use the whole roll for one quilt. We are so bad about getting My Guy's extra baked stuff out of the freezer before it gets damaged, frozen dinners probably wouldn't work well for us.

  10. Oh nice one! I'm in for a pattern. I have lots of 2.5 inch strips...

  11. I love your jelly roll quilt idea...perfect. And, the pre-prepped and ready dinner....worth its weight in gold. I don't do it but think about freezing meals LOL!

  12. I haven't put fresh items into the freezer for a meal before. We tend to use the freezer for meat, a little bread and a little frozen fruit. I don't know if I could give up the meat space for the dinner space! Thanks for the QOV pattern. I like how the whole roll is used!

  13. I like the jelly roll idea.

    I don't freeze whole meals, as I don't eat that much. However, I've learned to dice and freeze peppers in small "snack" size ziplock bags, just enough for one pan of pepper steak, or home made pizza. I also freeze onions in quart size bags. This will work for either soup, or something else.

    If you have a steak in the freezer, you can partially thaw it in the fridge, then quickly slice it while still half frozen. Considering your very busy schedule, a one-bag meal is a really quick way to go.

    Do try the McCormick seasoning pack for Italian chicken. Be sure to add extra seasonings to the crock pot, and layer the bottom with onion slices prior to adding chicken. Thanks for sharing.

    San / Murphy, NC


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