
Friday, August 02, 2024

June's Blue Lightning Streak Quilt is DONE!!! and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

I actually got this done on the 31st - pretty late at night... so I did get it under the wire... but !! I have no proof - so you'll just have to trust me !!

Ta da!!!! It has a wide variety of blues in it - anything that was in my 5 inch square box was fair game. And of course I like white with Blue - its so crisp and clean.  I quilted it up with wavy things ( I need to remember to write down the pantos I use, but its too much work)

I bound it with Light Blue - it kind of looks like a denim ..

And this is the backing I used - Isn't it fun? Its all stripey and Blue and White and Crisp.

I am so happy to have it done. Its my own pressure, and my own goals - but I am glad when I get to meet one haha!!  Now onto the Teal/Aqua one  - lets hope it gets done before Sept!!

This month is going to be a bit different for me! I am taking a little Customer Quilting Sabbatical. All my customers are taken care of, ( well except the two that I will get done) but this month is  going to be:

I have a PILE of tops that I have made, and a few that I have purchased, and some wedding quilts I want to get done ----- So K and I decided that August looked like a good month for me to make it all about me!! PLUS its my Birthday month - so that fits - right???

I can't guarantee I'll be blogging more ( your happy about that aren't you?? ) but I am going to give it my best shot to get MORE done.

  Now it is YOUR TURN!!! BRAG away - what's up this week?

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  1. It is great that you are taking August to quilt your own quilts. Have a lovely birthday, I hope you do something special. Happy stitching!

  2. great idea for the sabbatical - it will be fun and happy birthday

  3. A very refreshing quilt done just right! Get some of your quilts done. I have been quilting comfort quilts which is necessary, but my personal quilts have been sitting a long while.

  4. I'm sorry, we'll need to see some documentation that this was completed in July - LOL! All your lightning quilts are my favorites, and this one is so fresh and yes, crisp is a great word for it. Enjoy your customer quilting sabbatical and more importantly, your birthday month!

  5. Alycia, I am wondering how your stock of cut 5 inch squares is holding out? lol Has it whittled down to bits or do you still have lots OR are you continually cutting them.???

  6. I need to use up my blue scraps and make that quilt. Yours is so pretty. So many quilts and so little time… Glad you are taking a sabbatical and concentrating on your own quilts. Have fun!

  7. That is a ta da finish! Well done!


  8. Good for you - a month to focus on your own quilting. The blue/white quilt looks great. Can't beat blue and white.

  9. Enjoy your "you" month! And happy birthday!

  10. Your blue and white quilt turned out so nice, bold and yet very soothing at the same time. You deserve a month to focus on your own priorities. Go for it! And enjoy every minute of it.

  11. This is a real beauty to add to your pile of 'lightening strikes'!

  12. The backing on your lightening quilt is perfect! Good for you making August all about you! Happy birthday month! I think celebrating the entire month is the only way to go!

  13. It's delightful! so cool and calming with those blues and whites.

  14. Enjoy your Birthday Month and doing things to take care of yourself.

  15. Enjoy your month! Love the combination of blue and white - especially refreshing this time of year!

  16. The blue lightening quilt is just gorgeous! Enjoy your birthday month. It's a great idea to take the month catch up on you stuff. Hope you get lots done.

  17. I love it - a month all about Alycia - good for you! Nice job on the quilt too. Love the quilting and the back is fabulous too; may have owned that fabric at one time!


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