
Monday, July 29, 2024

Buckets of Binding and now Piles of Quilts!!!

 Yesterday was our BINDING Day at our Quilts of Valor Sew day..

This is the Pre Pile (above) ☝

Please ignore the messes behind it - I am still sorting my parents things on top of my things, on top of adding labels to more to be bound,  on top of fabric on top of... well - I am just a mess!!!!

Stack #1 NOW BOUND ☝

I get a lot of the credit for all the Amazing Quilt of Valor presentations we make - but that’s just because I talk the loudest ( and maybe the most) and get to be the front woman ….
Today the amazing quilters who are a part of my group - worked their tails off in very warm room to finish off these quilts . This is pile number 1 .
Pile 2 is already being washed for upcoming presentations and ! More quilts went home with these awesome quilters to bind !
A super shout out to these amazing quilters!

Now we also do a little show and tell before we stitch!!
Ms Jeri - she lead one of our Sew Days and had us make these cool friendship stars - she taught us a new way ( to me) to make them - and I think this is the 3rd quilt she has finished from the blocks

in 2022 She led a day and taught us this hatchet block - she made 2 quilts from them and then had some blocks leftover - so!! Whats a quilter to do? She make more and completed another top!!

Ms Lorna Turned in this top!! You may remember it? Long May She Wave? I think it was a mystery last year. She said she had worked on it, then put it away, then realized her Elves weren't getting it done - so she had to take over!!

And she liked making the stars the way Jeri taught us so much.... She made another!!!

Today I am washing quilts, unloading the car and getting everything back in place !!! Oh - And did I mention these quilters bound in a hot room? Instead of Hot Yoga - we did Hot Quilting!!!   

The AC went out - so by the time we left it was 80deg in there... oh boy.....

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  1. Working with quilts when it is hot is a challenge. That's awesome that everyone stuck with it and got so much done!

  2. Beautiful quilts!! I'm wondering what pattern you used for the friendship star quilt or how your group went about making them. I especially love that quilt!

  3. It's the same with me - I'm thrilled to be a part of the QOV group here. And yes I talk the loudest, and get to be the front man too. Beautiful quilts! Great job by your group!!!

  4. Great job everyone! The new quilts look amazing!

  5. Love those friendship stars!

  6. There are some really cool quilts in that pile. You have an awesome group of quilters!

  7. Wow. You ladies rock! That’s a lot of bound quilts especially in the heat.

  8. Beautiful quilts, awesome work ladies!

  9. Oof, I wouldn't have lasted without AC, I'm such a weakling. Will you be trying the new-to-you way to make Friendship Stars?

  10. Such a blessing to have a special group of friends to sew and quilt together for a cause. Awesome

  11. You are the charismatic spokesperson :-)
    80 degrees sounds delicious. It is going to be in the nineties today.Yikes :-(

  12. Hi Alycia, that is so wonderful. It's great to work with some terrific people!

  13. Hooray for all their good work...quilts in a hot room are hard to work on but it seems your crew accepted the challenge and got it done.

  14. The group sure was busy and made some wonderful quilts of valor.

  15. Wow, great job ladies, you did great under the heat! Lovely quilts, and your quilting group looks fun.


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