
Monday, July 22, 2024

Aqua / Teal Rainbow scrap challenge Lightning Streak Top is DONE

 I buckled down, I ignored these crazy kids.... and I got my RSC Top done!!

I did not have 5 inch squares cut of any Aqua's and Teals - But I did find some 5 inch strips. In the interest of time - I just cut the strips - so more  like a rail fence - but since it fits in the theme with my Lightning Streaks... that is what I am going to refer to it as!!!

I took it walking with me and my Puppies - and tried to find an artsy sport to take its photo...but with dogs. weeds and a little wind - nothing spoke to me .

Here it just looks crumpled!! But!! There you go - an artsy photo haha!

Bella was my hard worker - NO TV allowed Mom!!

Stop it!! Stop looking up - Work harder mom!!!

PS - I thought I would watch the Bachelorette. Bella wasn't having it - she wanted DOG shows!!

Seriously!! she is a drill sergeant!

See that look!!!!  

She means Business!

I made the deadline - the July RSC top is done!! Now to my self imposed deadline - the jury is still out if the JUNE RSC will get quilted and bound in time....

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  1. What a pretty finish, and with such a great helper!

  2. We all need a coach to keep us in line and on time! lol
    Great look of the lightening strike quilt!

  3. The 5" strips works just as nicely as the squares. And probably quicker. Bella cracks me up. She must have a great doggy personality.

  4. This is a lovely finish, well done to you, and to your cute coach ;) Pretty strippy fabrics. Thank you for sharing this beautiful finished top!

  5. Oh, that is pretty! The 5 inch strips worked just fine for your lightning design. Love your helper, too!

  6. Oh yes, I remember that look. Dolly would lift her paw and give orders just like that. Only her paw was MUCH bigger.

    Great little quilt!

    San / Murphy, NC

  7. I like the change up from squares to strips for the Aqua. Such a calming color this month!

  8. Great top for July! Good luck quilting June.

  9. Looks like you used what you had, isn't that the purpose of the scrap challenge. Your teal one is one of my favorites from this year. Bella does look like quite the drill sergeant.

  10. Nice use of aquas (or turquoise or ?). I like rail fence blocks but haven't done anything with them for a while... Bella just wants to keep you focused ... maybe on her instead of the quilt project! She's a cutie.

  11. Nice job of the turquoise rails. It might be time for me to make something with rails one of these days. Bella just wants you to keep focused. But I bet she really wants you to focus on her!

  12. You're much tougher than I. With my bad knees, I'd have trouble even getting up into the saddle, let alone shooting from one.

    It sounds like you're having a lot of fun though. Am sure your new colt will be lovely with time.

    Thanks for sharing. San / Murphy, NC

  13. I’ll just say “ Ditto!” On all above comments. , Applause , Applause!


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