
Wednesday, July 24, 2024


This summer has just been a great summer of horse activity!!!

My Baby Reno is Growing and he is starting to shed his little yellow. We think he is going to be a Blue Roan/Gruella color - but he looks so awkward right now haha!

We aren't the prettiest when we are working him, but - aren't you impressed with his halter wearing ability? He is a pretty good horse, and we are having fun training him. But its usually after we have worked the other horses, so we are dirty....

( PS see how dry it is? Send rain please - its pretty bad this year)

See his black spots? His Palomino is starting to come off - and its like molting - its kind of humorous looking. 

We also do Cowboy Mounted Shooting - and its quite a blast!! ( haha - pun intended) 

So we have been at practices and competitions a lot this summer. I am not a fan of the super high heats ( like the 100's we have been having) So Poor K has to get up really early with me, or stay up late an night so I can get some cool rides in. 

Each run you have 10 targets - the goal is to hit the 10 targets in the fastest time you can.  I am going to brag a bit... The last two competitions I hit ALL my targets!! (its called Shooting clean)  and man I was stoked - its not as easy as you think it is... Okay - as easy as I thought is should be!

This is my newest Mare - her name is Rowdy. I haven't purchased to many horses as I had a stud and mares so kinda had enough horses. My mine are aging out, so I found her and fell in love. K thought she was alright - but not really what he was looking for.  And then he started riding her  - and now.... I think she has been stolen ha ha!!

I did steal her back though - to do some Ranch Sorting. That!!! Is a lot of fun!! Rojo ( the horse I'm on above) likes this too, but a while ago he injured his hip (like 10 years ago) and I don't want to aggravate it. Sorting and penning require you to turn the horse a bit faster and do a little spinning. I prefer to have Rojo for my running events, so!! I stole my mare back haha!!

Have you ever done sorting? Its pretty cool, there's a lot more than this - but! You have two pens - cattle are in one, and you have to move the cattle to the other pen - IN ORDER!!  The announcer yells a number as you cross the line - Say 9  - then you ride into the pen and sort 9 out and into the other pen..... but!!

You are not done - now you have to get back in there and get the cattle sorted in order - so your next number is 0, then 1, then 2 all the way to 8 

They have to go in order, and only the cow you are sorting can break the line - its challenging!! and fun - and Oh my Gosh - my legs hurt! 

And this is why... I am slow on my RSC this year - but!! I'm okay with it!! I'm having too much fun... and this is how we look at the end of our days:

The End

See you for Finished ( or not) Friday!

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My Corner of the World

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  1. Love this look into your "other" life! I had no idea horses changed color, kind of like hair color from childhood to adulthood I guess. Keep us posted on Reno's color, blue roans are gorgeous! I did not know you competed in rodeos and am quite impressed. I can barely shoot a target standing still, much less from a horse! You look pretty fancy too. :D Are the pups getting along?

  2. Amazing! I am ignorant of the 'ring' exercises you are at work in in the photos!! Fun and tough! The dogs at the end of the post says it all!

  3. Wow! How do you fit in any sewing at all? My father-in-law was a horseman, and broke/trained horses most of his life. When we were first married the last cutting horse he trained was still on the farm/ranch. Lady was slow and calm - until you got into a corral with her. Then you better hang on as she whirled and worked to sort those cattle. Plus she was a really big horse, so I needed to step onto a 5-gallon bucket to even get up in the saddle. LOL My FIL would be so proud to see his love for horses is continuing through the oldest grandchild and on to a great-great-granddaughter who plans to be an equine vet.

  4. You've had a busy summer! Congrats on all the success with the competitions. Sounds like it's been tiring, but really fun.

  5. Sounds like an amazing summer and giant kudos on your perfect shooting!

  6. You should get that picture enlarged and framed! That is one cool picture of you and I would definitely be proud of shooting clean! Your colt is so cute. Love the dogs. I definitely feel this way after a long day.☺️

  7. Watching a sorting competition is amazing! Your little one wears that halter proudly!

  8. Very interesting horse riding events. Your life is full of a wonderful variety of skills and talents. All you do is amazing and all deserve a rest.

  9. fun to see you on your horse and competing! Congrats on the clean shoot - that sounds like so much fun and nothing I ever thought of doing. Reno is adorable, it will be fun to see what colro he becomes!


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