
Monday, May 13, 2024

Purple Pie Hole... aka the Rabbit Hole

 Remember how I said I didn't want to put any fabric away once I had taken it out? 

That might be the death of me..... just sayin'

I still had Purple out from last months RSC challenge... and then I found a block that I had made for a test.. ( A Framed Nine Patch) 

 I still had just a bit of yellow out...

And!! I had finished all of my T shirt quilts, AND!! I have a commission quilt that starts in June, AND... well - I have QADD  AND... Did I tell you we have construction... AND... my hot water heater decided to quit.... so truly - what is a girl to do?

First I made more Framed 9 Patches and kept playing until:

See that Purple Border there?  I think that is going to be my contrast color for my Pink RSC Lightening quilt... ( Thanks Kate for the advice on color!!)

There was more Purple:

and so!

Now we have these, and there is only a teeny weeny but of purple left in this scrap bin. Please note - I am clarifying - THIS scrap bin..... Don't faint

now it is on to finishing topping my Just One Thing Churndashs..

Oh! and don't google Purple Pie - I found out its a drug.... but too late!! I already stole it for my title. Because I think these crumb blocks look like Purple Pie...Maybe I am just craving sugar 

Happy Trails!!!

hey!! I finally have something to link to these amazing blogs!!

Design Wall Monday

Sew and Tell

Monday Musings


  1. I LOVE your purple crumb blocks and look forward to seeing how you will use them. I have been planning on making some framed nine patches. They look like great blocks from leftover strips.

  2. Wow! Great job! Hiding in your sewing room might be the perfect way to avoid the construction zone. This reminds me - I have a Framed 9-patch top that is done and ready to quilt. It's been hanging in the closet, waiting it's turn.

  3. Love your framed 9 patches. I too have (a lot of) framed 9 patches from my block exchange group. And then you creatively name your purple blocks and bam! The name is taken... but we quilters don't know anything about that, eh? (Well I don't at least.) I like how you try to use up every little piece of your scraps. I just keep throwing strings into a worn paper bag. It really is time to do something with them... but wait, I want to..... (fill in the blank!) Hope construction goes smoothly and quickly. Maybe hiding out in your studio would work well. Have a great week.

  4. I love the 9 patch quilt and crumb blocks are always fun!

  5. It looks like you were having a lot of fun! And ooh, I am excited to see your Pink RSC Lightning quilt - that purple is going to be a really great contrast!

  6. Sounds like you will need plenty of sewing therapy as you navigate all that is going on. Hugs & blessings.

  7. I think quilting is the only thing under your control now! Love the framed nine patches and the purple know I do. I might have to take your approach, too many scraps. I have a pile or two I move every time I want to sew...gotta stop that. Hope your construction has taken off and you have hot water!

  8. The purple and yellow are such a fun color combination. Looking forward to seeing how that purple works with the pink you your next lightening quilt.

  9. I really admire the purple piecing of the blocks--great job!

  10. I love ALL the purple, Alycia!! The yellow and purple framed 9-patch blocks are great. Fun quilt! Have fun with your crumb blocks. They are coming right along! So sorry to hear about your hot water heater. I hope the construction is coming along well. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


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