
Friday, May 10, 2024

Changes!!!! and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

 This week has been a crazy crazy one... and I didn't get a lot finished... I do have a lot going on though - does that count?

The big finish is taking Eleven Quilt to our Pathways Hospice - Three of them were donated from our Pieceable Friends Quilt guild in Greeley. 

The in progress?

We tore up our house!! Oh my!! We had to have solar panels removed off the part that was coming down, the concrete of the old porch torn up and removed, the steps to the door taken out - and new concrete put in.  Now the roof part that was removed is going to be rebuilt..... and of course - everything is delayed. 

Trusses that were supposed to be here last week, are now coming next week. We had 3 days of high winds, so the framers are delayed a few days. ( it has to suck to be dependent on weather!)  And I am glad that my Buddy Kevin of Pagel Construction is in charge and I just get to watch and listen and give my opinions!! and Bam!! he makes it happen!

And then on the dog front - the two girls like each other - but they don't like each other. Bella gets a little jealous of Daisy, and Daisy doesn't know why.

So we are doing a ton of Separate but equal walking, and playing. And I am getting in 20,000 steps per day ( not even joking!!)

I know it will take time, but if you know me well - Patience is not a Virtue I possess!! 

They do both love me though, and will sit on the couch with me, especially if it looks like I might have a cheese stick.....

So I am dependent on you all this week for me to get my Quilty Fix!! Brag away - show us whats up!!!

*****************Finished (or not) Friday *********************

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  1. Remodeling your home is a LOT of work, and stress. Hope the project goes smoothly.

  2. What a wonderful donation! As for the remodel, sounds like you have an amazing contractor! I hope the weather cooperates and you are able to see lots of progress soon!

  3. the girls probably think they are each the favorite... you're doing what you can do, and walking together is supposed to make them feel they are in one pack, but if it's a wrestling match.... good luck. And it's got to feel unnerving to see your house being dismantled!

  4. The simplest of projects can take a while sometimes. And usually longer than promised. In the end it will be worth it though.

  5. Remodeling is such work and such an inconvenience. Hope there are no more delays and things go smoothly from here on out.

  6. Having a lot going on definitely counts, as does the big donation you are making to Pathways Hospice. I'm sure those quilts will be put to good use!

  7. Taking 11 quilts to hospice is amazing! Such a wonderful gift. And yes, you are keeping busy and that definitely counts!!!

  8. Wow! You have your hands full. We got snow in the southern part of CO... did you have snow too? Sending prayers for you as you wade through the remodel and the pups become to love each other. Blessings.

  9. So we had a two-year-old dog and got a ten week old puppy. Two year-old dog wanted nothing to do with 10 week old puppy. 10 week old puppy adored two-year-old dog. Two year old dog would ring the bell to go outside and once both dogs were outside the puppy would run off to play and two year-old dog would walk right back in the house ditching the puppy outside, true story! 🤣🤣🤣

  10. Wow that's a lot on your house - good luck! And good luck with the puppers, that can be stressful I know.

  11. Just another few weeks and things will settle between the dogs! I am sorry for the delays in the renovations--it's a tough wait!

  12. The hospice quilts are wonderful! The work at your house is extensive - good luck with that. And, oh, I know the girls will become friends, but boy that is hard on you to keep the piece and the pace! Hope it happens quickly for all of you.


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