
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

20,000 steps a day.. and the Aurora

 One thing that is super good with having to take two dogs out - I m getting my steps in!! but!! I am also getting some fun weather shots.

My dogs are starting to like each other - we have taken two small walks together ( one on a leash with me, and one on a leash with K) and !! they kind of calmed down... I see a happy future!

Funny enough - the real reason we saw the Northern Lights was... one of the dogs needed to go out. Everyone in our area ( okay the 2 people that live near) had taken a photo and shared it on FB and I was so jealous - I couldn't see them. That was 10 pm ish...but at Midnight!! Oh wow!! that was a total different story for me!!!

its funny - I didn't think there was that much light pollution out here. I mean there is significantly more than there was when we first moved here .. I just didn't expect that much. The big lights? Those are oil drilling sites. 

This one - I laid on the ground to look up - I think its just so ethereal looking.

We have had some amazing storms go by - not the bad ones like the rest of the country - but this is on one of my million walks - watching the storm go south of us. Coveting the rain - but wanting the wind to stay there.

Squall lines are pretty cool to see too...

To make this quilty!!!   I am starting to pair my Purple with the RSC Pink!!!!  I think I like it!! Its pretty rich in color - should be quite cool!!!

Come on back Friday - for Finished ( or not) Friday and link up your projects!!!!


  1. Sounds like you are turning the corner with walking the dogs. . .soon they will hear the word walk and be so wriggly with pure joy that it will make you laugh every time you see them do it! Beautiful photos of the night sky. What a sight that had to have been!

  2. You saw the Northern Lights! Thank you for sharing. Wonderful. Ever since we retired and started traveling we have always said that dog owners are bound to be the healthiest snowbirds since they get out and walk at least two or three times a day no matter what the weather.. It seems a nice way to meet other people too but none of that was enough to talk us into getting a puppy since we were already pet-free when we started traveling and too lazy to start over! But I'm often envious.

  3. We got no Northern Lights!! POUT POUT Glad the doggos are learning to like each other.

  4. We had some beautiful Northern Light sightings around here, but none by me. I drove out into the country on Friday night, only to find that so did hundreds of other folks. Too many car headlights. We had a good opportunity to see them on Saturday night as we drove home late at night. But there were too many clouds apparently. I did notice the sky was very lavender that first night when I stood on the back deck and looked straight up.

  5. All gorgeous captures!

  6. Very cool aurora photos. My Guy got a few, but we were in OKC, so the light pollution was pretty bad. You've got a good start on the lightning quilt. Since you went with my color combo suggestion, I hope you still like it when it's finished.

  7. Cool photos - we didn't even try to see the lights, it of course was cloudy here. I'd love to see storms like you do - I'd be in heaven!! Love the colors in the block. Glad the puppers are getting along.

  8. You did get some cool photos! So I have to ask did you see it with your naked eye? We could only see it after taking a photo.

  9. Oh, I'm so glad you got to see the Northern Lights. We were a bit too far south, I think. And those storms are beautiful; I'm glad you haven't had really bad weather. The RSC quilt looks great. It's going to be bold and bright like the Northern Lights!

  10. You got some incredible northern lights shots. I totally struck out as the first night it was overcast and on the second night it was clear but there was too much light pollution. Oh well, I'm enjoying yours. I also like your sky photos with the range and the clouds.

  11. Beautiful pics of the aurora--the storms are pretty cool, too!
    You have a good start for the pink/purple blocks!

  12. Gorgeous sky pictures, Alycia!
    And the Northern Light ones are stunning!! Thank you so much for sharing them here. I missed them and I'm still so sad about it. :(


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