
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Little Mountain Trip

 We had a day off and thought... lets go up the mountain!

And off we went.... the car temp thing said 35 - we were excited - perfect snowshowing weather.....

until we got out and the wind was HOWLING... Ground blizzards all over the trails, but Holee cow is that gorgeous. I had my trail map so was pretty confident we were good for a few miles in, but we didn't want to get much further than that - just in case the Ground blizzards got worse...

Check out what we got to see tho!!

The Views..... oh man - I love them...

This one was just so cool to stand and watch - the way the wind moved the clouds in - they were rolling, and that fine mist like looking was the snow...

I had a hood, but snow was still going down my shirt!!! I had my Snowshoe pants on - and they really worked good. They are supposed to cut the wind - and they are lined - and man... I was glad!!!

These are kind of out of order... Below is what we saw
Above is how close we hiked....

Deer!!!   I got ice cream for seeing him first!!!
(its a family competition... and I like to win!!)

Not too much later - we saw him.....

This is us trying to take a selfie with s DSLR.... my cell phone was in the trunk of the car on this little jaunt ( we took 2 different trails)  

Have you ever tried to just turn the big camera around and see what you can get?  

after our hiking we stopped at a BBQ joint for lunch. We walked in and they informed us that their heater wasn't working - I thought it was quite balmy in there - and didn't have to take any gear off!!!


We stopped at SweetHeart Wineries in West Loveland. They actually had tried to grow grapes - but they had a hard time keeping the ELK out of them... Too funny!!!

Snowshoe pants found here: Click here

and guess what? They work when your heater decided to quit in the middle of a Blizzard.... I guess that's a story for another day too .. I will tell you two days later ... we had heat again...

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  1. I had to go check out those pants as I am always cold and hope to do some snow tubing this winter. Do you wear any other pants underneath them?

  2. I added the pants to my wish list! I got a pair of fleece lined pants so I could walk to the gym on the island in the winter....but these look good too. I hate the cold and count the days until I don't have to worry about my nose freezing. What a fun day you had...nice to get out together on a little jaunt!

  3. Oh, my! That wind blew all the way to No. Florida! We are brisk and you would laugh at our whimpy reactions to our 'cold' compared to yours! lol
    Beautiful scenery to look at -that's for sure.

  4. What a spectacular day you had!

  5. Alycia you go on the best adventures!!


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