
Monday, December 19, 2022

Spreading the Love

I am getting a slow start around here today. My only defense.... its cold!!! and supposed to get colder... which means more ice has to be broken on water tanks... our tank heaters can't keep up. And... I look like the staypuff marshmellow man with all of my layers...

but!! Roads are opened - so it is ALL Good..... ( our roads were closed 2 1/2 days last week due to blizzards)

BEFORE!!! The blizzard hit on Tuesday - I got to help spread some love to our Veterans!!!  Are you ready???

Above was the First group - bright and early Saturday morning. They were the best - the smiles were contagious, and the stories  - oh lawsy the stories!!! There is something about getting a group of Vets together that make the stories get funnier...

and then the second group.

We got this one awarded and it was so great!! All of these quilts were made by One Quilter with a super big heart of this group of men... and she had one of them help her choose what quilt went with what vet so they all fit their personality. IT WAS AWESOME!!!

And as I was driving home, then temps started dropping... and by the time I got home it was snowing at my house. That is what you call "Perfect Timing" right?

Oh and in between the two large groups - I got to do some single awards - but they were all still active duty - so...You'll just have to pretend you saw the photos ;-)   Great couple of day!!

One of my latest Client quilts - so cute - and quilting hearts all over it!!! 

Have a Happy Day!!!

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  1. What an AWESOME day to get to hang with so many of our fabulous vets!! And WOW, one gal made the entire batch of quilts for that 2nd group? WHEW! She's a machine! I'll need to work hard to get a couple of tops to you next year; surely I can do THAT! LOL We're about to get some super crappy weather here so will feel your pain. UGH

  2. Oh wow, what perfect timing to get the awards complete before the weather really rolled in. Sounds like a really perfect day. Stay warm and hopefully all the work outside can be done early so you can be warm inside working on more quilts as much as possible!

  3. Temps dropping dramatically here as the week goes on. -17 overnight (unheard of for here). And snow is in the forecast - another novelty here for which most folks are NOT prepared or educated. Sigh (glad I grew up in MI). AWESOME photos of those vets with their quilts!

  4. Two awesome presentations. You are wonderful. I can't believe one person made all the quilts for the second group. She is fantastic. Both presentations are wonderful this time of year. Thank you for honoring our Vets the way you do. Stay warm!

  5. Both groups look so happy to get their quilts. I don't envy you having to get out in that cold. I'm planning to spend any non-holiday family time under a quilt (or two as needed) working on some hand stitching. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  6. Love seeing these vets with their quilts!

  7. So glad you got the quilts awarded before the snow and before the roads were closed. We have some snow in Maine, but its pretty minor. This next storm looks to be mostly rain, too. We travel to Reading PA for the holidays, so I am hoping the weather people are right!

  8. This is a very happy post--nice to hunker down now for the duration of the cold snap!


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