
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Flock of Geese - and Dakota Inspired

 I have such fun going to the Post Office now - there is more than Just Bills!!! Yay!!

These two awesome blocks came from Amanda!!! Thank you!!!

And QuiltDiva Julie sent in 15 and... some yummy cream fabrics!!!

And then - check this out - the WHOLE finished quilt came From 

I Love Her Dakota Inspired!!!

AND!!! We got to award a Few QOV's this weekend!!  That was HOT and Fun all at the same time. That they agreed to let us wrap them up - in that heat - shows how much they love their quilts!!!

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  1. I'm glad Dakota Inspired arrived safely and no worse for it's trip to CO! Thanks for offering your Mysteries4Military!

  2. Those are great donations. The first two sets of blocks look like they are made with the same fabric! I really like the flag quilt in the middle - so glad you were able to distribute them.

  3. Great block to make - hope those extra fabrics will be useful!

  4. Awwww those sweeties with their quilts - so heartwarming.
    You received some great donations!

  5. I get excited getting my mail each day, too, but I have to admit-you get the best mail of anyone I know! lol


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