
Saturday, March 13, 2021

Green RSC progress

 And.... It has been a year!

First off - My Green Progress!

I think I am really liking the craziness of these - I kinda matched 6 blocks that I thought would look okay - and! I think they still do. None of them are square to begin with.... and I did not make these Details here ... so I iron them and square them to the smallest block in the little pile .. and go from there!

My Last two pinks are bound too - so January's Ten Placemants.... ... are finished!!

Now to start binding the yellows - you'll see Yellow again!


It has been one year ( for us) that the Pandemic hit.... We had heard rumbles - but On Friday March 13th at  4pm, the husband showed up and home and said... we are working from home for a month ... minimum... and one year later... he is still here ;-)

I read back on my blog and realized I alluded to changes, but never really wrote them out, so I thought I would do that here... that way when I am 100 I can read back on it and say "Yep , I survived!"

My two youngest sons came home from college, to live and school here.  And it was fun and strange. I work on a ranch, seasonally, and our season had ended on February 28th, so I was just getting into the groove of being *Empty Nesters* and 100% full time quilting..... and then they all showed up!

March 27th my Dad decided to have a heart episode ( or three) that resulted in a Triple Bypass.  Because of Covid none of us could be with him at the hospital. I have never talked to so many doctors over the phone .... ever... while we were making decisions. 

Because of Covid, we did not want him to go into rehab - so we all became a Quaranteam - and we took care of Dad and his rehab. And we brought people in to work with him at home. We felt it was much safer. 

Because of Covid they cancelled my Oldest Sons Law School Graduation. Worse, they cancelled his Bar Exam Test where he lived. This would effect his JAG appointments - so we learned that Colorado was still going to administer theirs. So he and his girlfriend ( also a lawyer) drove out here to do a two week quarantine and take their test, and then go to a family reunion with us. 

Wyoming didn't have as many restrictions as Colorado, but we still had to have small groups - so this reunion was actually really fun. All of us live on ranches, all of us had been Isolated on our ranches, so we didn't worry to much. My Mother in Law made all the food, and we felt very safe. And truly had a blast. No one got sick, and we all got back to our ranches to isolate again.

I gained a Daughter in Love

I got two Barred Lawyers

My two youngest sons got apartments and left me again. The dog had the worst time with the adjustment. I am still trying to remember how not to cook for 20 people at a time.

Their Colleges were 100% online, but at least at their apartments they didn't struggle with internet issues... Again - we are pretty rural - so if the sun shines in the wrong spot. Our internet goes out.

I went back to my seasonal ranch (I only work two days a week, it sparks my creativity,  its a beautiful place, its fun, and its still pretty isolated....) 

Christmas was just us, small groups, but at least we still got to hang out with family. We were ( and are) still very careful about going anywhere - didn't want Mom and Dad to get anything from us.

Mom and Dad got the vaccine, we were thinking things were looking up..

Mom just got diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer ( on Valentines day no less!) 

and that is where we are now. My husband is still home. I have gotten used to him being here. He has taken over more chores, and I get more quilting time in  - so its worked out for me!! haha!

Since My oldest probably won't be back for a while, I took over his room. Its full of my quilts. And I took over my middle sons room, it has some quilts too... I haven't braved taking over the other rooms yet - I feel like that may just make me sound selfish!

Okay - when I am 100 years old and  reading this... I wonder if I will remember my favorite new recipe from this time in our lives?  Maybe... I'll type that out for another post - and you will say... hey that looks good! and you will love me forever for your new favorite recipes.

The end.... .😁


  1. A great idea to document this past year! There were so many ‘firsts’ but we are surviving! Yes to sharing your go to favorite recipe!

  2. What a strange year it has been for everyone. I think all the stories are so different, but so many of the parts were the same for everyone. The unexpected shifting of gears, trying to adjust, not knowing what was going to happen. Glad that good things happened during all of that. I do wonder what they will all think of this time on 100 years.

  3. I really enjoyed (and empathized with you) reading this summary of the past year. This is a pretty major weekend for us here in Canada too; basically the entire country locked down. The last yoga class I taught for 5 months was a year ago tomorrow, both my daughters started working from home and only one of the two has gone back, I went back to teaching yoga in late August but it got shut down again at the beginning of Dec and we are still not doing classes. Like you, we've all adjusted, and it's been kind of up and down, off and on, for various activities. I am so sorry to hear of your mom's diagnosis, and send you big hugs. Thank you for hosting the finish party.

  4. Congrats on getting your first GREEN placemat started for the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge, Alycia! Did we know that Big Bit got married??? Many changes over the past year! I'm sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. That's a tough one. Sending quilty hugs!

  5. it has been a year like no other hasn't it. Sorry for your mom's diagnosis that has to be rough. The hardest part for me is not having my daughter drop by whenever she feels like and being socially distanced from her, we have been lucky though in warm months to visit on the porch and cooler months meeting at the walking trails and being an arms length away from each other while walking and talking - being immune suppressed this was a necessity for me while she is still working in the public. We have not been able to see our other daughter though and last time we saw her was late November of 2019 a couple months before the pandemic started she is in another state.

  6. I am so sorry to hear of your mom's cancer diagnosis. Yes this has been the strangest year. Hopefully this pandemic will be over soon.

  7. It's been a memorable year, that's for sure! I don't think you will need a blog post to remember most of these things!

  8. I'm glad you took the time to record these major events from the past year. I'm really sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis - I'm sure that has caused a LOT of stress (and distress). Feel free to vent - we're here if you need us to listen.

  9. So hard to think we're just about through all of this awful last year, and then your mom gets that diagnosis. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts. Those green blocks are pretty together!

  10. What a year you have had, what with one thing and another. So sorry to read of your Mothers diagnosis, not nice at all. Sending her and you cyber hugs from New Zealand.

  11. Great idea to write it all out and to remember it all when we're older. The one thing that this pandemic has shown us is how adaptable we humans all are and how quickly we can create a "new" normal.

    I'm sorry to hear about your mums diagnosis xx

  12. it certainly has been a strange year - I am feeling hopeful finally that we just might all get back to our new normal. Sorry to hear about your mom. Cancer sucks. I am sending big hugs and good thoughts!

  13. LOL! Now I am dying to find out what the recipe is! Our new favorite is Sausage Egg Roll in a Bowl.

  14. Thats a really good idea to document your year. I wish your mother the best in health and recovery.

  15. We can concur with just what a topsy turvy year it has been and continue to be. Sorry to hear about the health issues your family is dealing with. It is hard work on the farms where we come from, so if you have time to quilt, absolutely enjoy it. We left for our Dad's memorial last March down in Southern Africa. It was meant to be three weeks, with the world wide lockdown it turned into four months. Flights back home was an epic episode, we hope no one else will ever have to experience anything like it. Staying safe and healthy is a good thing to do. Even now we keep the bubbles small, do everything we can to do the right thing, will continue to do just that. Hugs and prayers we send to you on the wings of an angel.

  16. I really enjoyed reading about your year, and I'm sorry to read about your Mom. How wonderful you "quaranteamed" for your Dad.
    What is the white streak in the mountain photo?

  17. I've definitely got COVID fatigue, even though all the quilting time has been lovely. We missed a big cruise last summer, and haven't seen our daughter who lives clear across the country for well over a year. At least ZOOM has happened! Your placemats are so colorful; nice job!

  18. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Very cool recap of your year! I’m so sorry about your mom’s pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Hoping for the best for her.


  19. I got tired just reading about your year! Make sure you take some quiet time to rest and recharge. Will be praying for your mom- tough diagnosis. Thanks for sharing your life with us readers!

  20. Thanks for sharing the look back. Keeping your family in prayers.

  21. It has been a strange year. I hope they can treat your mother in law well.

  22. Fun pink and green place mats. It has been a strange year. A year ago today we started our work from home that lasted almost two months.


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