
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

I didn't disappear

We just had the 4th largest snowstorm hit our area - and I am IN LOVE!!

We needed the SNOW SO BAD - but I sorta forgot about power outages, and well.... first world problems - Like NO INTERNET.. how did we ever survive!!

And boy did I take photos - but you'll have to see them over the next few days!

Don't you just love those drifts?
I know parts of CO got way more than we did - 
but we are thinking this heavy wet snow really watered our pastures... 
and!! fingers crossed

We planted some grass seed in the dry spots
 ( okay one dry spot) and are praying this moisture makes it grow!


I'll be back tomorrow with Clue 3 ( I think it is) 

but I just wanted to check in.... make sure I still exist in the world haha


  1. Very interesting photo of the icicles "leaning" all one direction. We only got 7" of snow, but had about an inch of much needed rain first. Like you, I'm just grateful for the moisture because we need it. And it has been snowing lightly all day today again, but not really accumulating as it is melting on the street and driveway.

  2. I hear you - needing the moisture! We only got 4-5" down here, but it's starting to rain again as the next storm system moves in. We're hoping for a good dump of snow tonight. Our nearby lake has been very low but is starting to recover over the last couple weeks. Looking forward to Clue 3 :-)

  3. Well, I am glad you had the snow and we did not. It has been real cold, but no snow. Great photos!

  4. Ask and you shall receive, right? And boy, did you! Better you than me..HA. I would've been so mad! The 12 hours in -1 degrees was enough for me. We're heading into drought territory but supposed to get a little rain tonight, maybe.

  5. By the time it got to us in MI there was a little ice/sleet and frost in the morning. So glad you are OK. Those drifts are very neat looking!

  6. Oh my!!! It is a blessing since you’ve been in a drought but that’s a lot of snow!!!

  7. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Whew! That’s a lot of snow! And those drifts are really interesting.


  8. Incredible pics! Glad all is well.

  9. Wow I am blown away by those photos. Keep 'em coming. Those drifts are beautiful in their awfulness!

  10. Glad you are happy for the snow! I hope the grass grows greener on your side of the fence!

  11. That's some really big drifts! Great photos. We got all the moisture as rain, things are really starting to green up here.

  12. Glad you got the snow. Thankfully we just got sleet pellets, and not much of that. Our ground is already wet. Hope your grass grows.

  13. Great photos. We're having snow today. But tomorrow is supposed to be 14 degrees. Hoping it melts all the snow so I don't have to shovel. LOL


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