
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hugging our Veterans

I just LOVE how Quilts can give our Veterans a Tangible Hug
And they remember it ForEver

It is so fun to be able to tell each Veteran about their quilt, who made it, where it came from, How it got started - it just amazes them that each quilt has a story... and a story that finds its way to them.

Check out these lovely blocks!!
Sent in from Pride City Quilt guild in Pueblo and the Scrappy Ladies Quilt guild in Rye  ( Both in Colorado)

This is a Mystery quilt that we did here called:
Stars and Stripes
It was made by Barbara, Nancy and Sara
and Quilted by Cheri D

This beauty was made by Jackie W
in Willcox Az
( and you can see which Veteran got it in the photo above)

This beauty was made by sister Debbe and Joan
and again - check the top photo 
You can see the Veteran who received it
( and the tears in their eye BTW)

And just cuz
I mean
Look at him
We are under snow and ice and warnings to stay off the roads
and I want to be him ;-)


  1. Lots of beautiful quilts. Love the designs and colors, of course. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  2. Another round of gorgeous quilts given to very deserving men and women!! Jealous of your snow...we just got the cold, but since my leaves and gutters won't get cleaned until Saturday, I guess it is a good thing!

  3. It's always fun to see hugs. No ice here yet, but it's been cold. Autumn lasted like two days!


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