
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dinosaurs and Design Walls

My design wall is growing a bit... I can not believe I am still on the same project - usually my QDD kicks in and I have started 32 more.... but alas.... I have not... ( okay maybe 1 more project but who is counting?)

I like how it is coming together!
( it is called Urban Log Cabins - pattern by Terry Atkinson 
of Atkinson Designs)

We went on a Dinosaur Hike!!
It was so cool 
and I learned so much!

 about the Jurassic Period

This place is kinda hidden out in the middle of Nowhere
They have an active Dinosaur Dig site 

and you can see things like this!

And all sorts of weird rock formations
I kept telling the guys
Doesn't that look like a stegosaurus was found there?
and yes!!
a skeleton was found there
Too cool!

Part of a Backbone
I just think it is too cool
that Fossils are still being found in our earth

Trying to take a Dinosaur selfie

This is just a rock
But what does it look like to you?

If you know me - you know we have had horrible trouble with Natural Gas
and Oil companies closing our gates

So when I saw this - I just had to take a picture
and of course!!
Close the Gate!!

We also went to a The Dinosaur Journey Museum - it is all about the Dig sites
and the fossils they have found in the Morrison Layer

They looked pretty real
and a few were animated

we had a great time with one of our kids
and we hiked a lot and got to be outdoors.
Which was great - as the has snow started now!

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday
Monday Making


  1. Great pictures of the dinosaurs - where is this place? Colorado? Love your quilt progress - I am the same as you - amazed when I am sticking with one project, which doesn't happen very often.

  2. where is this dinosaur place? we went to a Dinosaur National Monument park last year but I don't remember if that was the name of it for sure - I think it was in NE Utah very close to a corner of Wyoming perhaps

  3. I love the log cabins.

    It is so neat to see fossils in the ground. There is a beach near here on the Potomac where you can find fossilized shark teeth. Or at least my son can, somehow I don't see them.


  4. Amazing. What state is that in? I'd like to go there sometime.

  5. What an amazing outing!!!

  6. What a blast!!! There are several places in the Dakotas, Montana, Colorado, Utah and Nevada...which one are you at???

  7. How fun. I don't think I'll find any dinosaurs or digs for dinosaurs in Virginia. In Jamestown? Yep, probably digs all over there. In fact, the plantation house my son got married at (outside) there was a dig being done in the foyer of the house when we first went to look at it. My 3-yr-old grandson would have LOVED to see those dinosaurs! I'll suggest it to my son as a vacation location... Oh yea, the quilt looks great. I'm trying to finish instead of start but I don't particularly succeed all that well these days!

  8. Love the jewel tones in those log cabin blocks! Very pretty. Cool dinosaur stuff. Looks like a great family outing.


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