
Monday, January 21, 2019

A *Simply Dashing* Design wall

Or floor - since my wall is full ( again)

And of course the light is not the best - but that's okay!
Because when the quilt is done I will get good light
and you will be 
and that is more important

This is the pattern I am using
They write great patterns!
Very easy to follow and understand!

I am off to quilt
My friend found a vintage 9 patch quilt top and it is so cool
Lucky me gets to quilt it!!
I am loving all the fabrics
( i'll share later!!)


  1. Looks like you have made great progress!

  2. Fun quilt! You know it's the year of the blue and white quilt. I can't confirm where I heard that, but it's my new mantra and I'm sticking to it!

  3. It is fun to see your progress on this quilt. I look forward to seeing the vintage quilt.

  4. That is a really neat design! Love how they have it flowing top to bottom. Plus it's very pretty in the blue and white!

  5. It looks great. Love the blue.

  6. This is a great pattern. Very effective

  7. Wow! That is so cool!! Your love certainly shines through in your work :)


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