
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

More Quilts of Valor

I hurt my finger and it has a band-aid - so forgive me for any misspellings that I miss!!

Check out these awesome Quilts of Valor that our Group did!

This one our group made the blocks during a sew day and Dianne Took them home to put together this top

Kelly K in Denver Quilted it - and it looks awesome!!

The Three above came from the Sunny State of Arizona! Sue E made and quilted them! We were commenting about how we met online when my Colorado QOV group had over 700 wounded Warriors arriving at our local post. We really really really wanted to cover each soldier - and Sue is one of those amazing quilters who stepped in to help.... and I have owned her ( ha ha) ever since.

Just kidding - she has been an amazing addition to Quilts of Valor!! We love her!

Ms Nancy S Sent in these awesome backings for us to use
They are all wide backs and I love them!!

My Dear Laura R has been extremely busy - check out all the goodies that she created!!!

And Pillowcases!!
The awesome Pride City Quilt Guild does an amazing job keeping us provided for!!

Just in case you wanted to know - those of us that sew - have our own Fire and Police Department!!

This officer came to one of my sons basketball games and this caught my eye
I went to talk to him and told him I was sew Excited to know they existed - especially for those of us that sew

He thought I was nuts - but Obligingly laughed anyways!

PS !! I am hosting TGIFFriday 
come back and link up your finishes
and see all the pretty eye candy!!


  1. All great quilts. So bright and colourful. I, too, have a bandaid on my finger, and I think it needs to go because it's making typing difficult. I wonder if I can use that as an excuse to leave work early. ha ha ha ha

  2. Judy V in Thornton CO7:32 AM

    Wow, thank you for such wonderful colorful inspiring pictures!

  3. I love seeing the productivity of your group week after week! It's so inspiring and impressive.

  4. These are wonderful!

  5. I do love the QOV show and tell!

  6. Beautiful quilts! Thanks for sharing.

  7. More gorgeous quilts!! I wish I could find my sewing is so lost!!!

  8. Quilts, blocks, backings, and pillowcases? Looks like a great day for Quilts of Valor Colorado!!

  9. There is no end to the generosity of quilters!


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