
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

QOV Wednesday

Good Wednesday Morning!!

Hope you are up Bright and Early!!  ( I seem to like the early morning hours now!)

Another Flags for Sue Quilt! We are doing good getting them together now!
I pieced and Quilted this one ( with your blocks)

And my Dear Nancy S from Colorado City, CO
and quilted by Shirley in Rye
made these beauties!

Judy V made and quilted this one.... and then gave it to her daughter, who gave it to her husband, who gave it to my son.... to deliver to me!!  Pretty Cool right?

This is my *Inspired by Cynthia* quilt - I wanted to show it all quilted and bound!!

And!! Big STar Country - made by Barb R ( now in Winterpark) and quilted by Me.  I love it!!
The pattern can be found here:

Mystery 6 - there are 5 clues to get

This one I pieced with our Wonky Star Blocks - and sent it to Annie O in To quilt for us!

This one was made and quilted by Michelle in Ft Collins - Its pretty cool!

Look what Joan did with the Flags for Sue!! I LOVE this version!! She is so creative!!!

and another presentation!
None of them had any idea why they were there!
The one on the left was told that his friend was receiving and award and he wanted him to come see
the middle one was told by his daughter that she wanted to check out a new sewing place
and the one on the far right was told - I go to all of your things - now come to one of mine

it was AWESOME!!!


  1. They are all awesome quilts. I love what Joan did with the flags, very creative. Happy Holidays Alycia!

  2. These are a great collection and sampling of QOV quilters. So creative and they are all beauties. Thanks for sharing Alycia.

  3. Are you guys like the busiest, most active QOV group in the country or WHAT?!! I am amazed at all you do every Wed., every month and year-round! Good job, Alycia and all your helpers!

  4. Wow, that stunning quilts and I love the stories told to get the veterans to the QOV presentation.

  5. Mary Ed Williams6:46 PM

    Well done, Alycia, well done.

  6. What another parade of beautiful quilts!! Love the looks on the veterans' faces!

  7. I have that panel. Gives me ideas. And so many ideas from everyone else.

    Your Honorees............ don't look like they are suffering too much. Good job everyone!

  8. I love the big star one. So striking.

  9. Beautiful quilts!


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