
Friday, December 14, 2018

I'm calling this an Almost Finished Friday

Its Friday!! I love Fridays - I love checking out all the finished things other quilters have done....

Today - I have an almost finished Friday of sorts!

First off...

My Almost Finished!!! I am going Oh Sew Fast ....and I am still not done!
But that is ok!! It will be finished NEXT FRIDAY when I host 

But this one!!

It is done
It is home with its owner
and I forgot to take a finished pic
So although it technically is finished....
 This is what I have to show you!

And you know - there are days when you wake up and just want to roll over and go back to sleep?  I am thankful that on this day.... I did not! Look what I saw!

Not a bad way to wake up!!

Linking to:
TGIF Friday at Kathys Kwilts
Can I get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. Technically if you are sewing the binding's as good as done! Wow to the pictures of the sunrise! Spectacular in every way!

  2. Gorgeous skies and a wonderful quilt.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing your finish next Friday. The sunrise is spectacular. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  4. Amazing skies!! Sunrises can be so spectacular. It looks like you got to finish somebody's special quilt for them. Love the cancer ribbon quilting. Is that a computer panto? LOVE that binding fabric! Can't wait to see the quilt it goes to. :)

  5. There is something special about winter skies, esp the colors. Unfortunately, ours has been gray all day. BUT, that makes it a good day to sew, right?

    Congrats on both finishes.

  6. Gorgeous sunrise! We've been under the clouds for days with more rain in the forecast through the night.

  7. Two finishes...that's awesome. Can't wait to see the full quilt when you host next week.

  8. Congrats! on meeting (and beating) your Christmas deadline. From what I can see, it looks great!!

  9. Congrats on the finish. What a view! Definitely worth waking up for.


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