
Friday, January 31, 2014

Finishes for January

This month seems to have gone by awful fast.... I am not sure how that happened....

These are two Quilts of Valor that I got quilted this month. 

This first one was pieced by Laura R . I grew up right next door to her. She was amazing then and is amazing now!  I love her!!  She is a prolific quilter.
 I believe this is the Avignon Park From Moda Bake Shop. I really like how it turned out!

 This quilt top was pieced by Ethel in Greeley.
She did a fabulous job!

I did a different quilting design in each color.
It was fun to make them all work together.

I am linking up with Confessions of a Fabric Addict , CrazyMomQuilts, and Richard Quilts.

Enjoy seeing all the finishes!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Quilts of Valor 2014

Do you notice I keep using the same title?  I am hoping that it keeps these posts easy to find so when you want to come back for more inspiration they are searchable.... It's a thought ;-)   You can also find all the 2014 posts by this label

Sunday was our Quilt of Valor Sew day... the pictures of the sew day are courtesy of Kevin  ... it was quite fun to have a celebrity in our midst!!

PS - all that fabric is not ours - we sew in another Quilting Groups Sewing Rooms. But the fabric does speak to us.... it loves us and makes it such a comfy cozy place....
 There are TWO  ( not one people - but TWO) design walls.... we love the ample space!

I was talking - yes - I have to talk... it's all about annoying people... Tee hee hee...

I put Kevin to work.... I am sure he didn't think he was going to get a free ride - right????  He put labels on this stack of Quilts for us. Labels are SO very important. They need to know who made them, and they need a place to put their name on them... very official!

And - to remember why we do what we do... No names or locations will be stated - but please see the joy on the faces of these recipients as they look at their quilts.
 Sorry for the angle - I got so caught up in the presentations I almost forgot to take a photo.

This one cracks me up the most - this gentlemen was so intent on listening, and learning about his quilt . Made my heart happy. And it made me happy the we as quilters can show such a tangible way to Thank and Honor our Veterans.
 Hope you all enjoyed today's Quilt show, and where we do our work. I love that so many people help out from all over the country - and even right here.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sidetracked Continued

Oh! My! Gosh!!  I just had a Quiltabulous weekend!!!  It was so much fun and quilt filled... and a friend joined me - and it was just so awesome!!!

I am now all inspired and motivated and.... oh -
My friend came and helped me get some organization done, and get things caught up - and it's like a whole new feeling!!

So.... My sidetracked quilt -

I got the top finished.... maybe... this is it all sewn  ( ps its a cell phone pic... sorry)

But it is still talking to me - so I am thinking it needs more blocks.... so I added some more to the side and the bottom.... I would need to fill in the spots ( obviously) but....

What do you think? should I add more?  and make it a bit bigger?  I think I like the idea of adding blocks rather that a solid border?

Oh.... your wildlife picture for the day!!!

For other design walls - head over toPatchwork Times

Thursday, January 23, 2014

True Love

Wrangler Man had to be out the door VERY early this morning.... and we had snow last night. Due to the 50 degree day we had, ice and snow is everywhere....

But look what greeted me:

a shoveled stairs and a path all the way out to my car....  *sigh*   makes doing chores in 7 degree weather much more bearable ;-)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2014 Quilts of Valor

This Winter I traveled to the Columbine Quilt Guild in Arvada - and what a treat!! I spoke to the crowd... and you all... there was a crowd.... It was a little intimidating ;-)

This was my set up - and through the night - these bags ( see left) kept appearing.... and I am SO Glad my buddy Joan went with me - we used all of our strength to tote things to the car....

And when I got home... Look what was in those bags!!

Isn't that awesome!! there were 13 quilts there! A Bakers Dozen !!

Thank you so much Columbine Quilt guild!!!  It was wonderful to visit!!! And wow! Thanks for participating in Quilts of Valor!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Valentine's Day

I know - this has nothing to do with Quilting - but.... I had a Valentines Photo Session this weekend... and this was my test model.... I think he is kinda cute!!

Shall I keep him?

Monday, January 20, 2014


i took all of my blue scrappy blocks off the Design wall - just cuz... I thought I would be adding more, and then I found some other blocks that I had been working on.... and *squirrel*

I went off another direction.....

This is what is all put together....

The last row needs to be sewn, the next to the last row is sewn and need to be attached....
And then... I will go back to my mission ( as soon as I remember what it was!)

For more design walls ( er um even floors) head over to:
Patchwork Times

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blue Scrappy Saturday #3

I won't get to work much more on these today - I have a photo shoot scheduled... but you KNOW what I will be doing Sunday.... I really want my Blue box to close!!! Seriously. Someone said to iron everything and it will be flatter.... but I am embarrassed ( ok not really) to say - THEY ALREADY WERE ironed   ;-)

So here is what I got done for this last week:

 I added a little pink - I LOVE pink... and these are so addicting and so much fun... and I have even MORE crumb blocks started now.... My dear Angela at  has created a blue monster... or at least inspired one!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Another one bites the dust!

So remember my design wall from Monday morning?

 yes?  Well - I didn't like it - the gray ( although you can't really tell in the photo due to the lights!) was uccky... just didn't do it for me.. and I like grey (Gray) ....

So I found something else - and now... I hope you all are sitting down for this!  - I have finished another top!
And just to really pat myself on the back - I made the backing ... and the binding is cut and sitting on my table for me to go to work.... which .... I hope to get to this weekend!! Sunday .... as Saturday... we are doing a Valentine Photo Shoot - I am so excited!!  Hope to share photos of that soon - I have the sweetest families and babies coming, as well as some high schoolers - this will be fun!!

I am linking up with
Confessions of a Fabric Addict   and
Crazy Mom Quilts                      and
Richard Quilts

Thursday, January 16, 2014


We LOVE the outdoors - except today - it is windy outside - and wind makes me whine... seriously....

So I am glad I have these photos from our last snowshoeing adventure, and I am glad my kids drag me out a LOT!!!

The sun was behind this mountain - I thought it was so pretty - so I got all artsy and played with my aperture until I got this!

And of course - a shot of my family. They were standing on the edge of the cliff.
gave my knees the shakes!

This is how I have to get a photo of me -
Had to prove I was there ;-)

And finally - Proof that Bigfoot does exist - tee hee
Hope you all have a great day!!! I am off to enjoy it!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 Quilts of Valor

Oh boy - are you in for a Quilty treat today!! These Quilts of Valor are so amazing. I have added a TON of them to my bucket list... seriously - I will live to be 150 to get all of my bucket list done!

The first SIX quilts from today come from Sue E in Arizona. Sue has such a great quilt taste!! I love the colors she uses, along with the blocks -  they really have a great WOW factor!!

 Seriously  - those crumb blocks.....  I LOVE them!!!

 This one below - is also on my list - isn't it cool!!

The next two were pieced by Carolyn M and Quilted by April W in Iowa!!
 Aren't they fabulous?  These two make a GREAT team!!

And!!!!  Suzanne in Colorado - she is a star Quilt of Valor'er  ( new word - I just made it up!)  We had a request for a QOV, and they really really really wanted it presented when one of the sons was home. Suzanne stepped in and got it done for us!! I so appreciate her willingness to be flexible - and making this presentation !!

Happy Wednesday!!!