
Friday, January 17, 2014

Another one bites the dust!

So remember my design wall from Monday morning?

 yes?  Well - I didn't like it - the gray ( although you can't really tell in the photo due to the lights!) was uccky... just didn't do it for me.. and I like grey (Gray) ....

So I found something else - and now... I hope you all are sitting down for this!  - I have finished another top!
And just to really pat myself on the back - I made the backing ... and the binding is cut and sitting on my table for me to go to work.... which .... I hope to get to this weekend!! Sunday .... as Saturday... we are doing a Valentine Photo Shoot - I am so excited!!  Hope to share photos of that soon - I have the sweetest families and babies coming, as well as some high schoolers - this will be fun!!

I am linking up with
Confessions of a Fabric Addict   and
Crazy Mom Quilts                      and
Richard Quilts


  1. Congrats on another fun and finished flimsy!

  2. Love it and love finishing projects too!

  3. Whoot! I continue to LOVE these modern quilts you are making. I am inspired!

  4. WOOHOO on finishing another one. Glad you changed from the grey to a fabric you liked better. Looks so nice.

  5. This is really cool! Is uckky a technical term? LOL I have always wondered because I use the term quite often!!

  6. Look at you go! You are so busy in so many aspects of your life.....I don't know how you do it all!?!?!?!


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