
Thursday, January 23, 2014

True Love

Wrangler Man had to be out the door VERY early this morning.... and we had snow last night. Due to the 50 degree day we had, ice and snow is everywhere....

But look what greeted me:

a shoveled stairs and a path all the way out to my car....  *sigh*   makes doing chores in 7 degree weather much more bearable ;-)


  1. He's a keeper for sure.

  2. What a pleasant surprise. I was out feeding the furry ones at 8:30 and it sure was cold here too. Thankfully we don't have snow to deal with. Are you keeping a box of rock salt handy? Slips happen.

  3. What a wonderful partner!

  4. Looks like Your Guy is good at the little things. Definitely a keeper.


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