
Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Bingham Quilters Quilts of Valor

Jody and her group of Merry Quilters have been SO prolific!!!

And I was a failure - I was supposed to meet Jody at a Class - and my son needed me to come watch him, and I forgot!!! Bless Jody !!! She left the quilts with Jessica - and they are here and getting ready to go to their Veterans!!!   Thanks Jody ( as I hang my head )

So- Here are their Beauties!!!  THIRTEEN of them!!!

 Do you recognize any of the block patterns??? The Bullseye Log Cabin? ( from a recent Block Drive)
 Or the Scrappy Trips? (From another Block Drive - using a Bonnie Hunter pattern?)
 Love Love Love them all!! Thank you Bingham Quilters!!! You Rock!!!


  1. I need to make friends with these kind of people to help me work through my stash quicker. Have you seen the fabric I've been given lately? I'm about to be buried alive! I wish we lived closer.

  2. Some great quilts! Some generous helpers holding the quilts.

  3. Gorgeous quilts!

  4. They all look great! And, it's great they used some of your ideas, and patterns to make these!

  5. Thank you Bingham Quilters and thank you Alycia for all you do for our veterans!

  6. Soooo glad to see them fully opened. I was in Jody's vehicle when we brought them and they took up most of the back seat! Jody and her gals have done an awesome and beautiful job!

  7. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Your quilt shows are so inspiring. Love all those bright colors and these quilts will certainly make some service men and women happy.

  8. Wonderful quilts! Lots of work and love went into each and every one of them.
    Thanks for all you do ;-)


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