
Monday, November 25, 2013

Sew in with UNC Softball team

The University of Northern Colorado Softball team joined us again to make Quilts of Valor!

THIS is the stack of tops that were completed!!!  

They were quilt designing machines.

I brought a lot of our Block Drive Blocks and said - have at it!
They came up with awesome designs. Its always fun to have new eyes look at the way to layout quilts.

So - warning - this is a picture laden post- but you may see your blocks!!

They broke up into groups, and starting using the desing walls.

Most of them remembered all the sewing they learned at our last session.
We had 6 new quilters on the team - so they had a little more help.

Our Veteran Quilters are so helpful and wonderful - and loved working with the team!

LOVE the smiles and the designs!!!

Even Asst. Coach K got in on the action.
He said this time was even more fun, as he knew what he was doing this time.
*he even choose the SAME machine*

The brought the Grad Assistant along -
so much fun to hang out with - except he said if I wasn't nice he would make me work out ;-( 

Showing off the finished tops

Group Picture!!
A little girl came with her grandma - I am venturing to say
That she is the teams number 1 fan 

More finished tops
Seriously I am loving the designs.

And look - we made the paper ;-)
Front page even.... pays to sew with softball players

Iam linking up with Design wall - even though these aren't really my design walls
The team did an awesome job !!


  1. You are so awesome Alycia! This looks like so much fun, and it's great seeing the guys get in there and help too! I love the designs the team came up with! However, let's call the paper........"team helps make BLANKETS"??????????? LOLOLOLOL

  2. What a fantastic job. Those gals and guys did an incredible job. That's what I call teamwork!

  3. Judy V. from Thornton, CO9:48 AM

    This is a FANTASTIC team not only playing softball games but also creating fun design layouts for the QOVs! Great job!

  4. What great teamwork!! Absolutely LOVE seeing the younger generation sewing and quilting! Great job and kudos to all!

  5. Great job Alycia....... they did a really good job under your direction. Beautiful quilts!

  6. Love all the designs they came up with. So nice to see the college students getting involved. Thanks for sharing. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. What fun! And a great to bring along some future quilters. Thanks for your wonderful work for Quilts of Valor!

  8. So cool & inspiring!

  9. Those are some amazing designs the team came up with. Thank you for guiding and inspiring them. It looks like everyone had a FUN time. Thanks for all you do for QOV too.

  10. What a great group! They did put together some beautiful quilts.

  11. How wonderful. And you ALL look like you were having so much fun.


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