
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan. Getting it done results

January 2013

  • 2. Finish my Wildlife Double Slice quilt ( its on my design wall RIGHT. SMACK. NOW!)
  •             update - Top Completed
  • 3. Start to Quilted my New Years Day Quilt of Valor   Top is done - not quilted Here
  • 4. Start on my HMQS Challenge Quilt. It's due in April - if I start now - I have a chance right?   Started.... I have it ALL cut, and started on the sewing!

Oops - I forgot to post my February Goals - Probably cuz I haven't really thought about them yet!!

1. Bind the Flying Vortex /Purple Pineapple Quilt
2. Bind my Halloween quilt ( it should be finished before the season right?)
3. Quilt my New Years Day Sit and Sew Quilt of Valor

That's a big list for me for this short month - really - it is!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hero Week

On Facebook last week, I declared it Hero Week. And then I realized that not all of you are on facebook - so I thought I would share some of those heroes here. I think you might like them!

With all the bad things going on in the new this week - I have decided that we REALLY need to have a HERO week. A week that celebrates the every day heroes that surround us, and make our lives better. 

This hero is Mr M. - Mr M. is a WWII veteran, he came home and worked hard to raise his family. After retiring, He learned about some kids who were excelling in math, but didn't have a mentor to encourage them. So he volunteered in our school to teach advanced math, and encourage our kids. Mr. M. was nominated to go on Honor Flight Northern Colorado, and truly deserved it. -

Hero Week Continues: Hero #3 - Steve B. - While serving in the Military, a bombing in the Middle East took his eyesight in 08. Rather than letting that stop him - this young warrior has climbed a 20,000+ ft mountain in the Himalayas and continues to inspire today. You can catch his story at 

PS - he also is a drummer - amazing young man

Hero Week - Hero #5 on the left in this photo is DJ. DJ was a supply officer in Desert Storm.

She is one awesome lady - however, she does not think of herself much. She has arranged for many special veterans to be honored, and to be presented with quilts - but never thought of herself.

This last Veterans Day - we were able to surprise her with a special presentation. And her favorite hero - a WWII vet was able to be there as well.

It is quite amazing to watch others be so selfless - and expect nothing in return. I am privileged to know her and work with her!

Hero Week - Hero #4 Well he is not really #4 in my book - but today's hero is my Dad. My Dad is responsible for me learning to make quilts. No - my Dad is not a quilter - my Dad is a firefighter. He spent a lot of time at the Twin Towers in the aftermath of 9/11 . My Dad coordinated many things in New York during the aftermath, and always had compassion for his fellow firefighters, rescue workers, and the families of those affected.

Here he is presenting a Quilt of Valor to a soldier- it is a long story, but it was amazing to me to see that circle completed. Love you Dad. - oh ya - my dad is on the right.

Hero Week Continues.... these are two every day heroes to me.

They are Harriett ( L) and Ethel ( R). These two ladies have selflessly helped make quilts, bind quilts, encourage me, and be my friends for many years. When I asked for help prepping quilts for our soldiers - they were there, When I ask the stupid questions - they don't laugh ( well at least not to my face) They are always a helping hand, a listening ear, and a smiling face ( i love them!)

They take care of their families, their friends, and are two of the MOST amazing women I have had the honor of calling a friend..

Thanks for listening... Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our Veterans with their quilts too!

PS - ....  There is a block drive happening Here!!
I have Created a pattern for these blocks if you are interested - It is free through the end of February - so go download it Here ( at Craftsy)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Silly Sunday

and now... Design Wall Monday!!!

Yesterday was our Quilt of Valor sew day. We had a new venue - the Trinity Quilters invited us to use their sewing rooms.... we are MOVING in!!! Those rooms are THE. BEST!! They have absolutely everything anyone could need, including a pastor that brings snacks!!

We had also invited the University of Northern Colorado Softball team!! AND!they came!! They were the nicest bunch of athletes EVER!!! We told them about our mission and they dug right in!!

Each veteran had 2 to 3 rookies

We started them on making rail fences

(below ) this is Head coach Coach Easley 
She was a master!!

They learned on all sort of machines - I think this one was the newest 
and of course the one we all wanted LOL

This is Assistant Coach Kies.
He was mastering it too!!!

The girls told them if they got sewing machines for the bus
they could get a lot more done while they were traveling!


As the blocks were rolling in, we started putting them up on the design walls!!
YES PEOPLE - there are THREE design walls here!
You want to move in now too - don't you?

Enough blocks were made that we got one top completely finished ( although it is in my bucket so photos later) and enough for 4 more tops!! Quite impressive

Here is most of the group - I noticed a few are missing - or maybe they are hiding?
For other design walls head over to

PS - if I read the schedule right the first home game in March 27th!
We will be there!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's official

Christmas is over.... I have put all the Christmas Quilts away, and even found the last stuffed snowman...

I had a friend come over ( yes I do have at least one)! You can read about his visit Here , but after he left.... I realized I still had Christmas stuff out. I guess it takes a visitor ... *sigh*

He even wanted to see my horses....

We must have cut up a batrillion yards of scraps - all into 2 and 2 1/2 inch strips.... whoo hoo!!

And as we came upstairs to the house - I realized I had all my Christmas quilts still out, so I changed them up! Now I have my 2 cowboy quilts out.... along with my TileWork Pillowcases

And since Valentines Day is coming up - I thought I could really humiliate my boys ( just kidding) and added this Valentines day quilt to their couch!!
So.... do you all have seasonal quilts? Or am I just getting weird that way????

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/23 Quilt of Valor show

I love getting off to a good start in the new year!! I still feel like its New Years Day - all except the school thing, and the grocery thing.... But I can deal!!!  Especially with all of these quilts.

The first two quilts are From Sheree - Sheree is in my Quilt guild and she is wonderful. Not only does she help with Quilts of Valor - she helps get quilts done for our Local Honor Flight!!

This one is pieced by Jody and quilted by Frances.... funny story - Frances is my Dentist.... she is also a quilter -you will never guess how I recruited her  ( imagine that!!)

This one is made by Nancy L - of WA/AZ. it is the Craftsy Mystery and it was Quilted by Linda  in AZ

This is also Pieced by Nancy and Quilted be Linda. Nancy called this her Disappearing Churn Dash...  I am sure there is a story behind that one.....

This one was also quilted by Frances - and pieced by Denise V. Denise V fulfilled her 12 in 12 commitment - I am impressed....

The last two quilts today come From Jo S of PA - the first one was quilted by S. Sweetland.  I kind of LOVE this quilt!!! I may have taken a LOT of pictures!!!

 And this last one pieced by Jo - was quilted by P Cross in NY. Lovely Lovely Quilt!!

I hope you all enjoyed today's quilt show!!! Want to know how you can participate?
 Check out this post for our February Block Drive. 
AND you can win some awesome Fat Quarters from Vicki

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A QOV block Drive!

The last block drive was so greatly appreciated, and I LOVE having so many quilts in different parts of the finish process. I LOVE that we are able to cover each and every wounded soldier as he or she comes in to our Battalion... I can not Thank you all enough for your support!!

And here is another chance to do it again - and win some COOL fabric!!

Vicki Welsh is a Master Fabric Dyer - and a master color theorist ( is that a word?) She has offered to donate a Fat Quarter pack to offer as an incentive for the block drive!!!  They will be in Pinks and Reds!!

How do you join in?


For every 5 (FIVE) Blocks ( Pattern Below)
 you send in
 to me
 you will receive a chance in the drawing for the Fat Quarter Pack.   

You can sew as many as you like - all blocks need to be to me on the 8th of March.
This gives you all of February to work on them ;-)

The drawing will take place that night, (March 8th)
after the mail has been delivered 
and the winner will be announced on Sunday the 10th of March.

Here is the Block - It is a Log Cabin in a different color Structure - Here are 3 of them:

They Finish at 12 1/2 inches 

The center Square is  4 1/2 inches

The next round is 2 1/2 inches 
You will need 1 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 strip
2  2 1/2 x 6 1/2 strips
1  2 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch   
This is a total of 26 inches . I measure my strips before I cut to make sure I would have enough to make it around .

Round 3:

You will need 
1   2 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch 
2   2 1/2 x 10 1/2 inch
1 2 1/2 x 12 1/2 inch
( a total of 42 inches prior to cutting)

Let's do them in two different colorways - 
Color way Number One - Patriotics
Color way Number Two - Plaids  ( OF ALL colorways - your choice)

Happy Sewing!!

Questions?: Feel free to email me.

My addy:

Alycia Quilts
31544 Us Hwy 34
Kersey CO 80644

Friday, January 18, 2013

A QOV Finish

I think that I like having lists... Judy encouraged us all this year with her Get it Done Challenge. I find that lists keep me moving. But when I forget to make a list - we eat pancakes for dinner....

In November we had a quick little Scrappy Trips  block drive. So I put together this quilt top, and had a chance to quilt it this last week. I had a ton of fun on it, combining three tried and true quilting patterns that I have just loved forever.

We had such a sunny day that I thought it would be fun to go outside and take pictures - my mail lady caught me - she thought it was funny ;-)  

I will also have a finish to show you over at my Quiltygirl blog

I am linking up with Confessions   and Crazy Mom   Enjoy!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Craftsy QOV Mystery

Well - we all know it's not a mystery any more.... but you can still find the pattern on Craftsy.

Some QOV's made with this pattern have been presented - and a few of you have wonderfully thought to send me photos.... you all have NO idea how happy this makes my heart!!! Seriously - its about as good as chocolate!!!  ( and if you know me well.... you know chocolate is my *thing*)

This is Ray - He fought at Iwo Jima

Debbie of Montaville Quilts of Valor made the quilt
and it was presented for Veterans day
Thanks for sharing with us Debbie!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Quilt of Valor Show

I love all the inspiration that comes from showing you these Quilts of Valor! I had the priveledge of being able to take some pictures of the Quilts with their new owners too....

alright - on to the show!!! This quilt was made by Denise V in Denver and quilted by Liz T.D in Broomfield.

Denise - don't worry - we will bind it ;-)

This next one was made by Denise and quilted by Liz as well. 
Great Colors!!! I love the blend!

This is also by Denise!!  She made 12 Quilts of Valor in 2012  and we are slowly getting them back from the quilters. PS - this is NOT the quilters' fault - this is my ability to farm them out!!

Jana O Brien quilted this one! She is in Colorado as well.
It is a signature string quilt that.... I made.
I try to keep a supply of string blocks around, and when I am asked to visit guilds, fairs, hospitals etc.... I take them and get signatures.....

And the back  isn't that cool?

The next three quilts were pieced and quilted by Liz. 
Liz was a little busy!!!

Hope you all enjoyed today's Quilt of Valor show!!!