
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hero Week

On Facebook last week, I declared it Hero Week. And then I realized that not all of you are on facebook - so I thought I would share some of those heroes here. I think you might like them!

With all the bad things going on in the new this week - I have decided that we REALLY need to have a HERO week. A week that celebrates the every day heroes that surround us, and make our lives better. 

This hero is Mr M. - Mr M. is a WWII veteran, he came home and worked hard to raise his family. After retiring, He learned about some kids who were excelling in math, but didn't have a mentor to encourage them. So he volunteered in our school to teach advanced math, and encourage our kids. Mr. M. was nominated to go on Honor Flight Northern Colorado, and truly deserved it. -

Hero Week Continues: Hero #3 - Steve B. - While serving in the Military, a bombing in the Middle East took his eyesight in 08. Rather than letting that stop him - this young warrior has climbed a 20,000+ ft mountain in the Himalayas and continues to inspire today. You can catch his story at 

PS - he also is a drummer - amazing young man

Hero Week - Hero #5 on the left in this photo is DJ. DJ was a supply officer in Desert Storm.

She is one awesome lady - however, she does not think of herself much. She has arranged for many special veterans to be honored, and to be presented with quilts - but never thought of herself.

This last Veterans Day - we were able to surprise her with a special presentation. And her favorite hero - a WWII vet was able to be there as well.

It is quite amazing to watch others be so selfless - and expect nothing in return. I am privileged to know her and work with her!

Hero Week - Hero #4 Well he is not really #4 in my book - but today's hero is my Dad. My Dad is responsible for me learning to make quilts. No - my Dad is not a quilter - my Dad is a firefighter. He spent a lot of time at the Twin Towers in the aftermath of 9/11 . My Dad coordinated many things in New York during the aftermath, and always had compassion for his fellow firefighters, rescue workers, and the families of those affected.

Here he is presenting a Quilt of Valor to a soldier- it is a long story, but it was amazing to me to see that circle completed. Love you Dad. - oh ya - my dad is on the right.

Hero Week Continues.... these are two every day heroes to me.

They are Harriett ( L) and Ethel ( R). These two ladies have selflessly helped make quilts, bind quilts, encourage me, and be my friends for many years. When I asked for help prepping quilts for our soldiers - they were there, When I ask the stupid questions - they don't laugh ( well at least not to my face) They are always a helping hand, a listening ear, and a smiling face ( i love them!)

They take care of their families, their friends, and are two of the MOST amazing women I have had the honor of calling a friend..

Thanks for listening... Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our Veterans with their quilts too!

PS - ....  There is a block drive happening Here!!
I have Created a pattern for these blocks if you are interested - It is free through the end of February - so go download it Here ( at Craftsy)


  1. Thank You. I love Wednesdays on your blog

  2. Thanks for declaring Hero Week and thanks for sharing it here. I'm one of the few who isn't on facebook. Also, just came from the post office where I sent some blocks your way!

  3. Judy V. fromThornton, CO10:32 AM

    Im not on FB, either, so it is lovely to hear more about our HEROES! Thanks again for sharing.

  4. Not a facebook person either. Thanks for posting here too. With so much said about those that do wrong, it is a welcome change to read about those that quietly do so much good.

  5. Thanks for sharing about these selfless heroes! What a refreshing read this was:)

  6. You have such a great support system--your family, your friends, and your fans! Your post gave me warm fuzzies...thanks for all you do, Alycia!


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