
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

A finish - A finish

Well sort - of ... It is not yet bound, but you all need to know that DOES NOT stop me from calling it done!!! Right?? I am thinking I need to find some really cool black and white fabric to bind it with...Yes?  No??

The Full Quilt can be seen in a previous post -

This is the quilting.... I did it in Hot Pink Thread, and I think I love it!!

have a great day!!!


  1. Yay! A really fun finish that reminds me of sherbert! And a big yes on the black and white binding! :)

  2. Judy V. from Thornton, CO7:32 AM

    Yep, do go with a black and white binding...maybe a small floral print in black and white? Or polka dots??? All those fun! Love the feather stitching, too.

  3. What fun! I'm thinking it's sufficiently "fairly" enough that none of your boys will be stealing it.....

  4. A big YES on the b&w binding. And a big YES on the finish!

  5. Congrats on the finish. Love the colors and your hot pink quilting!

  6. very nice, bright quilt! Your quilting is great!


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