
Monday, July 02, 2012

Design Wall Monday

Oh boy, does summer seem to be going to fast!!! My Middle Baby is 14 today!!! He is out running with his brothers and dad... crazy kids!!

Here is my design floor today. Little bit helped lay them out, and after staring at them, we have decided that we will probably re arrange before sewing them... maybe stretch out the crazy ones a bit. The pattern for this block is

The boys and their mummy!! I already posted it on face book - but I cracked myself up!!
We had a special members only night, so we went and first went to the Planetarium. 
Oh man - is that cool

Here is my baby - the last picture I have of him being 13.... sigh....

For more design walls head to


  1. Your design floor is sure patriotic and colorful. Looking good even if it's a bit crazy!

    Handsome boys you have there. They grow up way too fast and it's amazing that they can get older, but you remain the same age - funny how that works. ha

  2. Great July 4th project! Your babies are young men...and their mommy is looking might old, if I might say that?!?!? LOL We enjoy our humour, eh?!?

  3. cool quilt. how about lumping all the crazies in one area? either a corner or from the middle and out? how old are your other kids? my son is turning double digits in 7 weeks- my due date with #3- yikes!

  4. Time does fly! Especially when our babies aren't so little any more.

  5. your oldest doesn't look like a kid anymore! He is a full grown man. Sorry mom, I know that isn't fun to hear :) I've enjoyed watching your boys grow up these last few years of reading your blog. Too soon, they will all be out of the house, enjoy this time!

  6. Love what's on your design floor.

    Happy B-Day to middle son. They grow up so fast don't they?


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