
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Stash Report

Oh boy.... I was doing so very very well, and then my friend said I have a little bag for you for Quilts of Valor and then..... I decided I needed to make a quilt - a certain kind of quilt - and I needed a litttttle bit more fabric....... but then on the good side - I have been making backings like crazy for Quilts of Valor and getting them to other longarmers - because a wonderful sewing friend brought me 11 tops, and another friend brought me 7 tops and I KNEW that I would never get that many done by the end of the year..... so I made brownies.

Shew - say all that without taking a breath!!!

So - are you ready for the damage?

Fabric Used This Week:                             12.55 Yards
Fabrics Used YTD:                                    314.35 Yards

Fabrics In ( donated to QOV)                     22.5 Yards ( see this was NO small bag!!)
Fabrics In ( purchased by me)                     1.0 Yards  
Fabrics In   YTD                                           207.05 yards

Fabrics Busted YTD:                               107.29    So Still using more than I buy/retrieve -I                                                                  better get working harder!

I want to thank you ALL for your support these last two weeks. The emails and cards and comments truly made things easier for Wrangler Man and Me. Although there is a BIG hole in our hearts, we know our *girls* are all in heaven - and we believe that the outcropping of rainbows the last two weeks are not only a sign of hope, but are the girls painting the sky for us.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Check this out

And here is a link to the Quilt of Valor Churning Stars Pattern. Many have emailed and asked if they can use this as a guild project, share with their Under Our Wings stores etc. Yes!  Make lots of Quilts of Valor!!

Enjoy your day!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Opinions please?

I have been playing with some blocks and settings and staring at them for a while and now I wonder which setting is better?

Now mind you this is kind of like a rough draft... I know things are missing.... like the corner triangles. I was thinkin of making 4 patches and cutting them in half to fill the spots - or not......  But this is the on point version, and it should only need a small border.

Here is the straight setting - it will need a border for sure, as it is 45 x 54 and I need it at least 55 x 65

So which do you like better?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quilts of Valor Quilted

When its hot I like to be in the basement - and that is where my Long Arm is - so in a way this heat spell is good for me!

This quilt was made by Gisla ( Ihope I spelled that right!) From Montrose. She came Sunday and bound it to take it back a a special reciepient Veteran.

Close up of the Swirls panto

This one was made by Nancy W over in Loveland -

Here it is ready to bind ( that has now been done thanks to my guild ladies!)

This one was made by Charlotte in my quitl guild.

This is the backing - my mom made that!

And a close up of the quilting - its a design on Dawn Ramirez's Pajama quilter DVD.

And this one I quilted for our guild. It is a comfort quilt that they keep for when one of our members needs it. I love the blocks

And another close up of the quilting. I tried to leave the autograph parts empty.

Hope you enjoyed the pics!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Firehouse Quilt Show

Last week I got to be a celebrity judge at the Firehouse quilt Show in Highlands Ranch CO. It was a wonderful show - and a great venue - and there were too many quilts!! It was very very hard to choose a favorite, but after a few hours and a few brain cells being hurt - I did it!!

So - this is the quilt I chose , It was made by Don Bloom and quilted by Kris Neifield. I liked the secondary pattern that it made.

This one had a ribbon - I cut it out of the picture some how - but it was wonderful.

This one was made and quilted by Ellen - she is amazing!

Purple and Green - I LOVE those colors!!

It as an awesome show.
It is slated for July 13th and 14th , 2012

They have decided to have a theme - if you need some inspiration
*Create Colorado your own way*

So if you are interested in entering this quilt show info can be found at

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Stash Busting Report

I tell you what - Cutting fabric is wonderful therapy, and a great excuse to hibernate in the basement where it is MUCH cooler!

I kind of cut up a lot of fabrics Saturday - most are in preparation for our sew day today, and for some future projects that I am going to start right now - because lets face it, I love to start things!

So the report:

Fabrics In this Week:           1/2 yard of a cool patriotic fabric
Fabric in Personally YTD:    42.04 Yards
Fabrics Donated:                  141. 5 yards ( I think I have busted ALL of this now!)

Fabrics Used This Week:     16.812 Yards
Fabrics USed YTD:            301.786 Yards

Stash Busted YTD:     118.241 yards used!!

I cut up 15 FQ's of brights to do the sew along over at

And then I had a bucket ( that is it to the right) And I just decided it needed to be cut up - cuz I want the bucket back . So I used my accucut and laid the dies out that I have, and when the fabric fit the die.... that is what I cut. 

And this is a test block with some of my scraps - I like it, but wonder how I would use it in a QOV.... that will be pondered on while I go eat Ice Cream!

For other stash reports go to:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Pride City Quilt Guild

The outgoing president of the Pride City Quilt Guild in Pueblo Co asked for members to make a pillowcase for Quilts of Valor, rather than block to make  her a quilt. I thought this was so thoughtful!!! And lucky me - I get to use those pillowcases to deliver Quilts of Valor!

Thank you ladies!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


First off, if you don't like sad things, I am so sorry. I have really comtemplated if I should even put this on my blog or not - but I am. Tuesday morning we got a heartbreaking call from our Uncle. And then a follow up with my father in law. No one had very many words... a special part of our family was taken in a horrible accident. One that they say is so very rare...

Alex and Laurel

First off - I married into this family, and it is an awesome family. I got cousins, and aunts and uncles and a father in love and a mother in love, and family that I just adore. But Lori and I had a little special bond - we are both quilters. We both have 3 kids ( although that took some time over our years together). We both have Amazing Moms - that can do anything, and leave a lot to live up to. But best of all we had quilt retreats. And we always shared a room, and giggled the night away.

We compared our kids, husbands, fabric stashes ( I won) and you could NEVER have a bad time with her, or her family. You just couldn't... they were *those* people. Everyone loved them.

And I am sad to say that they are no longer with us on this earth - and my heart breaks over that.

Thank you all for your emails, and for being there. I do appreciate it - I do, and you have no idea how much my heart takes your emails to heart. I felt a lot despondent yesterday - not really knowing what to do or say or how to help or.....

I really appreciate your words .... thank you.

UFO # 8 Revisited

In June Judy  chose UFO # 8 to be finished. Mine was just in the cut stage - so I got the top finished, and then fizzled.  I am happy to say that it is now COMPLETLY done.... well except for the binding. But we have a QOV sew day this sunday - so I will bribe someone to do it ;-)

I quilted it with Jamie Wallens Flurry of Angels technique. I like the texture that gave it.

A lot of you asked about this pattern. It is by Terri Atkinson and can be found in her spring cleaning book.

This is the front (up)
The back (down)

And now I have one less UFO!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Somehow - along the way this summer - my children have gotten older. An amazing feat though - as their mom refuses to get older!!!!

Unfortuneatly with all the growing that has happened as well - they are no longer lap children!

Thank goodness for my mom and dad - they were the cake makers for all the  birthdays this summer. Gotta love that!!! ( and she brought us dinner!!! and left the leftovers!)

Aren't they cute! This one is just about looking me in the eye now.... and in case you were wondering - Yes, I am tall......

Monday, July 18, 2011

Design Floor Monday

Yay - its Monday again. It was so hot this weekend that we only worked in the morning and evening, which was nice - gave me a little bit of time to sew!!!

So what's on the design floor today?

Obviously it is sideways...cuz I can never figure out how to rotate the pictures. But I have started another Churning Stars Quilt of Valor. I have all of the Churndash blocks done, and am sewing the red strip to them. Next will get the stars done.   You can find this pattern over here:

I have already had a few people ask if this can be used at their guild for a QOV quilt, BOM program, charity quilt - and that would be wonderful!!!

I know that Quilts of Valor has more reciepients waiting that they have quilts at the moment - so Jump in!!!

See whats on everone elses design wall at

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stash Report and Guest Artist

First off - I am a guest artist.... I am so tickled!!!!   Go over to

And Check it out!!!!

Alright - My Stash report for the week.... Looking good! I resisted buying fabrics at the Firehouse Quilt Show - but I have to say - it was VERY VERY tough. Especially because my friend Jess met me there.... she is a BAD influence LOL

Fabric Used this Week : 6.75 yards
Fabric Used YTD:       284.97 Yards  

Fabric IN this week:        0 yards
Fabric in YTD:           183.04 yards

Fabric BUSTED :     101.929 yards

Go to to see other stash reports!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pictures from a soldier

Every once in a while a soldier sends some pictures my way of them with their quilt. These just make my heart happy. This soldier was in the transitional housing while deciding his best route of medical care. His wife is able to be with him, and he was so surprised to recieve a quilt.

This quilt was actually given away almost two years ago, so you have to know how important these are to these soldiers - the pictures were just sent at the beginning of the month. They are defineatly a great source of comfort, and seem to rarely leave their side!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Quilt of Valor from Joan

Joan is a neighbor and she has been recruited to be my friend!! She has a longarm and is just getting used to using it.  I think she does an amazing job !

Here is her latest offering in Quilts of Valor:

Isn't it cool?
Thanks Joan!! Hope to see you next sunday!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Quilts from Meredith in CA

My dear sweet Meredith has been at it again! She has been quilting up a storm, and Ron Olsen has been longarming right along with her - for some Awesome Quilts of Valor!!! 

I can NEVER choose a favorite - which makes me wonder how I am going to choose a winner at the Firehouse Quilt show on Friday. 
If anyone is going to be in Highlands Ranch - I will be struggling to choose my favorite quilt at the Quilt show there -

Thanks Meredith and Ron! You are awesome!

*PS : Just an FYI, there are two quilts made by Linda and one by Sandy. We are a group of ladies that meet once a week. Meredith, is by far, the most prolific.**

** I love that people are willing to help me out is recognizing which quilts they made ;-) Makes my heart SO happy to know that you are watching for you quilts!!! THANK YOU!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Design Floor Monday

Actually today it is still on the ironing board.....

This is still my indigo challenge quilt from June.... I am so behind. But since July is Blue -and there is some blue here too - it can be a twofer?

I hope to get it finished this week, cuz I have another quilt I really want/need to start!

And this is WHY I am so behind. My oldest son had a conference in Florida - so we all decided to tag along! We spent 10 days on vacation, and got to hit some fun places - like Universal Studios, Epcot, Islands of Adventure and Hollywood Studios.  I think that we are theme parked out for a good 5 years!!  We also got to spend a couple of days on the beach. It was a great time, but oh man -did we wear ourselves out!

To see other design walls go to