
Monday, July 11, 2011

Design Floor Monday

Actually today it is still on the ironing board.....

This is still my indigo challenge quilt from June.... I am so behind. But since July is Blue -and there is some blue here too - it can be a twofer?

I hope to get it finished this week, cuz I have another quilt I really want/need to start!

And this is WHY I am so behind. My oldest son had a conference in Florida - so we all decided to tag along! We spent 10 days on vacation, and got to hit some fun places - like Universal Studios, Epcot, Islands of Adventure and Hollywood Studios.  I think that we are theme parked out for a good 5 years!!  We also got to spend a couple of days on the beach. It was a great time, but oh man -did we wear ourselves out!

To see other design walls go to


  1. Oh, I'm so glad you all tagged a long! What fun!

    and I think a twofer is a GO...(I was thinking the same thing)

  2. Definitely a twofer-and how can you lose, blue and white is always a winning combination. I just love blue and white quilts!

  3. Love the beginnings of your quilt on the design ironing board!

    Glad you had a good vacation! Looks like everyone had fun!

  4. Your vacation was the kind we used to take when the children were still with us. Then we needed another vacation to rest up from the first. So you are get to work. ;-)

  5. I vote for the twofer!!

  6. Good looking indigo/blue quilt and I concur that's a two-fer.

  7. YEAH for wearing oneself out on vacation. And, having a do nothing few days after vacation.

    I'm voting for indigo counting for both months. Looking good.

  8. Twofer or QOGO ( adapted from BOGO: quilt one - get one free) works for me. Glad you had a great time vacationing and hope you get some R&R at home.


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