
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Stash report

I think I got a little behind in doing my stash reports. Probably cuz I haven't been tempted to buy anything, as no one will let me near a quilt shop!! We need to have a family talk - ya know!

So from June 12 to today this report will catch me up;

Fabric Used:   6.5 yards  ( the fabric for my Indigo challenge quilt and backing for my UFO #8)
Fabric Used YTD:   278.224 yards

Fabric in:     O Yards
Fabric in YTD:   183.045

Total Fabric BUSTED YTD : 95.179 yards!!!

And because you really really want to know the reasons we haven't been to a quilt shop:

Dixie doesn't know how to parallel park yet - so she has to stay on the ranch.

Rojo is not equipped with the appropriate blinkers - and he doesn't qualify as a farm vehicle.

And Butter - well Butter is not real fond of people. He like Middle bit - and thats about it. If I go to catch him I swear he is planning 42 ways to bite me, but if the kiddo goes to catch him, he saunters right up and actually is NICE!1

To see other stash reports got to


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    You've really had great results from your stashbusting, even if you don't remember to report it every week. :)

    Maybe we should just do monthly stash reports?

  2. Great stash busting! I can see why your family is limiting your quilt shop hopping. It's probably a good thing they are all beautiful creatures.

  3. I'm trying to imagine using almost 300 yds of fabric... wow! You're doing GREAT!

    So funny how horses like some folks and not others...

  4. Looks like you have some wonderful distractions.

  5. Pat R.11:16 AM

    Your stash busting is going so well!! I had a horse that absolutely anyone could ride..well trained, etc...but every spring he just had to give me a 'go' and try to buck me off. He wasn't all that serious about it...just feeling good. Loved that horse!


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