
Monday, July 18, 2011

Design Floor Monday

Yay - its Monday again. It was so hot this weekend that we only worked in the morning and evening, which was nice - gave me a little bit of time to sew!!!

So what's on the design floor today?

Obviously it is sideways...cuz I can never figure out how to rotate the pictures. But I have started another Churning Stars Quilt of Valor. I have all of the Churndash blocks done, and am sewing the red strip to them. Next will get the stars done.   You can find this pattern over here:

I have already had a few people ask if this can be used at their guild for a QOV quilt, BOM program, charity quilt - and that would be wonderful!!!

I know that Quilts of Valor has more reciepients waiting that they have quilts at the moment - so Jump in!!!

See whats on everone elses design wall at


  1. The Churn Dash block is my fav, never thought to use in a QOV. Can't wait to see how it turns out, I'm a follower now.

  2. Thank you for sharing this pattern. I don't know how I've missed it before. I love Churn Dash blocks and I think it goes great with the stars. Thanks again! Toni

  3. Ooooo....I like the Star block together with the Churndash.

    I have NOT followed the link to the pattern; I WILL NOT follow the link to the pattern; I WILL NOT start anything new! :0) Will not...will not....will not....


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