
Friday, April 01, 2011

Quilts of Valor

First off the Stats for March:
Total Quilts of Valor presented for the month: 32 Quilts awarded

Now for some eye candy!!

This Red White and Blue one was made by Jan in my quilt guild, and she quilted it too!

This quilt was made by the late Al Lind, and quilted by Shar in Wiggins CO

This one, and the Three following it are made by Meredith in California.

She sends all her Quilts of Valor to Ron O in New Mexico to quilt.

Between the two of them - I wonder when they find time to eat !

Hope you enjoyed seeing some more Quilts of Valor! Thanks Quilters for all your hard work.I sure appreciate it, and I know the reciepients do. Sometimes more than words say!


  1. What lovely quilts... I'm sure they will be treasured!

    Thanks for sharing the photos... always so inspiring!

  2. I see one of Al's quilts! I quilted about 18 of his quilts. Each and every time I put one on the frame, it was an awe inspiring experience. He was and is an example to us all.

  3. The eye candy makes me want to rush back to my stash and see what I can make next! Thanks again for sharing. By the way, I love your brown monochromatic design...I agree it should be kept small because it is lovely the way it is.

  4. That's a lot of quilts in one month. I'm sure they're very much appreciated.

  5. We'll never be able to replace Al ... he was such a inspiration to all of us involved in QOV. Would be difficult to present one of his last quilts ... hug it and love it while you can! Julia, QOV Region 5

  6. Thanks for sharing the quilts. I especially like the first one you posted!


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