
Sunday, April 03, 2011

Stash report Sunday

 The fabric store started calling to my car again, and because a gal needs some exercise, I had to get out and walk a little.... can I help it if I walked right thru that fabric shop door???

Nope - It was totally NOT my fault!

So I found some flannels on sale!! And bought enough for 3 backings of the Jelly Roll Quilts that we made last weekend.
And then... becuase the color of the month is Orange, and I need to burn a few more calories, I had to wander over to see what oranges they might have.... and look!.... they did have some orange... surprise ( grin)

So my Stash report for this week:

Fabric Used this Week:                10.99 Yards  ( backings, borders,)
Fabric Used Year To Date:        221.36 Yards

Fabric Purchased this week:       11.9 Yards
Fabric Purchased YTD:               23.65 Yards
Fabric Donated:                         135.75 Yards

Total Fabrics BUSTED:               61.96  Yards ( whoo hoo still using more than what I bring in)

To check out what others are doing go to
Judys Stash report sunday


  1. Exercise is always good, no matter what the form! :0)

    LOVE the orange.

  2. ROFL--I was wondering how many calories are burned by punching a button and ordering fabric? Of course the stress of whether to order or not and eating chocolate to handle the we have to list on the stash report how much weight we gained??

  3. When fabric starts calling your name there is NO way out. LOL

  4. Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! And it's much healthier than ice cream - LOL


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