
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snow.... and Quilts to Show!

(at least the good things about it)

Snow is cold. But the snow storm we just had last night was really cold.
Snow is just one of the most funnest things ever.
Except for the cold part.
I don't know how animals survive the cold.
The good thing about snow is snowdays.
We get to stay home from school

~~~~~Written by the Littlest Goombah

Littlest Bit wanted to share his poem with you - so there you have it!  Of course, today it was 60 - so that snow is just a memory.
But these quilts are not!! Take a look at these beautiful Quilts of Valor that have come our way!

This one is from Joan - she lives just down the highway a few miles. I believe this is StarStruck from Bonnie Hunter. Joan got a little practice machine quilting on this one and it is beautiful!!

This beauty comes from the family that I have adopted. They might not know that yet, but its official to me! Karen is in St Croix, and her sister Sandy is in the US, and they really really want me to be their sister... I can just tell these things.
Beautiful quilt!! Even better in person!!

This chain beauty comes from Alamosa Colorado - from Janice W. Beautiful!! The chain really makes a neat effect in this quilt. Thanks Janice - I sure appreciate it!

I met a neat gal over the internet - I know... meeting over the internet ... what have I stooped to  Bwahh haa haa.  She said she had two Quilts of Valor for me, could we meet at Joanns. She had me at Quilt.
So we met up, her trusty husband drove her over, my trusty kids drove me nuts - oh wait - I mean they drove with me.
And look at these two gorgeous quilts!! ( below)
Mary - you are awesome!! Look forward to meeting you again!

Hope you enjoyed our poem and quilt show today!
I am off to get dinner ready and then get to my guild meeting while Wrangler Man
wrestles with three very hyper boys ( I fed them milkshakes on they way home!)


  1. How beautiful... all of the quilts... just one amazing quilt after another!

  2. Sometimes it takes a poem to just really say what we want to say. Thanks so much for sharing it. It was wonderful.

    The quilts of course were wonderful too. Simply beautiful!

  3. great quilts, hope your kids didn't have too long of a drive (sorry that was a joke from my childhood)

  4. Beautiful, beautiful quilts! Every one of them is real eye candy to savor and enjoy. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Beautiful quilts! You are so lucky to get to see and fondle all those gorgeous quilts!



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