
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


And that's about all I have to say about that!  Just kidding, except that I woke up thinking it was Thursday and I had to get the kids to an appointment, only to find out - its tomorrow....

So lets get into the To Do list and how we did.

Goal Number on was to quilt one of my Yellow MC quilts - and I DID it...I even cut the binding for it, but then didn't get it put on. Which turns out to be okay - my friend wants to teach me to put it on correctly - and I think I might try. But.... I have a little resistance to sewing by hand. Seriously! If God gave man the ability to make machines, then I should take advantage of that knowledge right????? 

Okay here is the quilt:
 This is the full shot - I am not very good at getting the detail and I am not sure why, but I took a lot of pictures to see what I could play with on the camera.

Heres a shot of the back - can you believe I had enought yellow for 2 quilt tops and a whole back... where did it come from?????
 As I was messing around I found a way to take a black and white shot - interesting....
2. Get backing made a prep UFO #10:   Done - and you are going to have to wait till the big reveal time on Judy L's patchwork times blog. Because it will probably, seriously, really, take me that long to finish it!!!

3. Work on Purple MC Quilt:  The top is done, backing has been chosen, and there it stalled....

4. Start Lime Green String Quilt: Nope - I had the lime pulled, but then I got distracted and this is what I did instead:

All in All not to bad - I think!

So what in store for the next week?

  • Keep working on the Purple MC Challenge quilt
  • Cut up some other strings to do Lime String blocks with
  • keep sewing on the Pineapple Blossom blocks I started.

I had kinda forgotten that with Heartstrings Quilt Project - you don't need to make a whole set if blocks, you can just make as many as you can and send them in to the block base person ( Sue). She will combine them with other blocks. So my goal is 4 String blocks for this next week.

To see what others are up to - or to join in the list making go to:



  1. You got a lot done this week. Way to go!

  2. Sue in Scottsdale, AZ3:05 PM

    Oh, I love those Pineapple Blossom blocks. The colors are great.I might have to make one of those! The yellow quilt is great. I might have to try one of those too.

  3. I love those blocks with the lime green! What a great combination of colors you have going.

  4. I love your yellow quilt!

  5. Ooooo... your purple quilt is looking G.O.O.D. good!

  6. Love those purple blocks. It is going to take me the rest of the month to get my UFO #10 quilted and bound also. Hope I can make it.

  7. You did get a lot done. I love the yellow quilt

  8. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Way to go on your yellow quilt! I love the quilting and the colors look wonderful. I don't think I have enough yellow in my stash to make a table topper...LOL

    I do love your pineapple blossom blocks. I can so easily see how you would get distracted by those!

    I can't wait to see your purple monochromatic quilt either!

    You have quite a bit lined up for next week, but I know you will get them done!


  9. Can I beg for some scraps? I am still cutting 1.5inch squares for my Arizona Flag project. I can send you my address through regular email.

  10. Love those pineapple blossom blocks and your yellow quilt. I'm the one that made the Heart Strings quilt and mug rug over on String Thing Challenge. Thanks for leaving me a comment over there!


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