
Monday, February 14, 2011

My design wall has moved

to the Longarm machine. Tomorrow is my guild meeting and I really really want to finish the quilting on one of my yellow monochromatic quilts..... so here ya are:

Working on the borders - 
Feathering the inside.

So wish me luck that it gets done before tomorrow night. After 2pm today I was on the road... play practice, groceries, switching vehicles, taking a different child to swim practice, and now - HOME!!

I came home to sugar cookies! I have celiacs, and haven't had a good suger cookie in years - and we found a recipe online, and the boys and Wrangler Man tried it. I think I might eat them all!!

There's the link to the sugar cookies.... yum!

To see what others have up on their design walls head to:  And leave lots of comments!!!

Happy Valentines day!


  1. I'm sure there will be lots of ooohs and ahhhhs when you show your quilt at guild. It really is a stand out with that black.

  2. I hope you are able to get your quilt quilted. It's fun to show that hard work and hear everyone's comments.

  3. Good luck on getting your quilt done for your quild meeting.

  4. Love the border quilting on your yellow monochromatic quilt... really fantastic!

  5. Anonymous3:21 PM

    lovely quilting, hope you made it in time for guild


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