
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hola! Como Es?

I learned some Spanish this last week... Why you ask? Well - it was really really a tough week! I HAD to go to Cabo San Lucas, Mex and I had to lie on the beach, and I had to relax and goof off. It was really really tough I tell ya. The picture on the left is where we stayed - the Fiesta Americana Grande. Fiesta should have given in away, this is the nicest place. There were 4 pools and a couple of restaurants and Beach... lots and lots of Beach.

The right picture is my view from the Tiki hut. We saw Dolphins and Whales and birds. It was very very nice. It was 80deg and sunny and we snorkeled. Okay the snorkeling was cold - i think I lost my shiver after about 20 minutes!!

Got home last nite to cold, fog and a little bit of wind. But Spring has to be coming soon right? Suzanne.... is the spring coming your way Yet.....???

Bummer - some bozo keeps posting a link in my comments and I delete them - but they keep coming back.... so for the moment - until the bozos ( and that NOT the real word I want to use) goes away... I have to moderate the comments. I don't want anyone getting any yuccky pictures or anything... I am so bummed... dumb bozo...


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

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  2. Hi Alycia, I've had a couple of those bozo comments on my posts lately. How do I delete the comments?

  3. Sounds like you had a great time.

    love and hugs xxx

  4. I am SO SO jealous! Ahhhh, the beach.


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