
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Choosing the designs

Before I left I spent the morning with the 5th grade picking out some designs for there quilts. I gave them a sheet of different pantos and let them choose. It was fun to see what they liked. A favorite Panto was Debs' Swirls by
They also named the quilts - so we will put those names on our labels... which is a good thing to remember - we probably need to get started on those as well. Time goes to fast when you are having fun.
After all the designs were chosen we layed all the tops out on the floor. They needed to vote on the one that gets to be sent to a quilt show. They voted, gave me all the papers and then the math teacher ( bless he heart) took them so that they could do a graphing project. I will find out tomorrow which one I will get quilting on first.
Have a great Sunday!!


  1. Are you the quilter who is collecting QOV's? I usually send them where ever June tells me to.
    This is the first one I have used na panto on, I normally custom quilt them but this one seemed to ask for a simple panto!

  2. It is wonderful to see how you involve your young charges in ALL stages of the quilt process. Also fun that the maths teacher can turn it into another lesson too!! Look forward to seeing which quilt won the vote :)

  3. How exciting ... what a great project to do with the kids.


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