
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Four Patch Log Cabin QOV

Last year I had the kids practice there sewing by making 4 patches. I saved all of them and made some Log Cabin blocks with those as the centers and then put this top together. I quilted it Monday - however - let me explain my Monday.... My middle Son had the flu over the weekend and on Monday was still pretty queasy and sick. So when he took a nap ( or was going to take a nap) I headed downstairs to quilt this. I had a great plan. I was going to do one of Suzanne Earleys Meandering Magic Star Ideas on it. I had practiced it on paper, I was ready to go.

So I put the quilt of the frame, loaded my thread and was ready to start, as my son came downstairs. He wanted to talk to me while I quilted. ( we do this a lot) However this time I must not have been as secure in my quilting plans, because as I finished the first row I noticed I had meandered the whole thing without leaving ANY room for the stars... Well because I am so adaptable - I changed my plan to an overall meander. And truthfully I think it fits the quilt well.

Lesson Number One: No more talking until the quilt is in motion!!!
The Good News - my son feels much better and went back to school yesterday, and today. This makes 5 quilts ready to go to Fort Carson!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry your son has been feeling rough. Gemma has had the flu aswell and has had time off school. It's hard seeing your little ones suffer

    love and hugs xxx


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