
Thursday, February 14, 2008

String Quilt of Valor

I am now in quilting mode for the Quilts of Valor this week. Here is a String Quilt. I got Darlene Epps Pocket Guide to Freehanding. And in the Orange Book - Textures and Fillers there is a baptist fan..ish looking design. I thought it would look really neat on this quilt. And I think is does look neat. The curves kind of soften the hard lines...

So this quilt makes 4 completely ready to deliver... I don't count the binding - as I take them to school and one of the teachers binds them for me. She is really good at it - and she likes doing the binding... I just can not imgine liking that step. If you can't tell that is my least favorite part of quilting....
Hope everyone had a Happy Valentines day. We had school parties and are on the sugar letdown at the moment. It was snowing in the morning. There was an accident between a Fed Ex truck and a small car by my road. In the afternoon there was no snow left - just mud... what a day ;-)


  1. The work you are doing on these is just wonderful!

  2. Terrific, nice quilt and great quilting. someone is really going to love this.

  3. Hi Alicia,'I see you8 dislike the binding part, me too so I am taking a " No Hands Piped Binding "class next weekend. The finish is very clean & professional & I know Sharon Schamber finishes her quilts this way & she wins huge awards & says the judges never comment on the lack of hand finishing. I make QOV's & also HOB's so I am thrilled to learn a fast way to finish them beautifully by machine.
    I'm thinking of making a yoiutube video after I get the technique down so I can share it with all the others who are "binding avoiders"!

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

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  5. Anonymous7:36 PM

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  6. gorgeous quilt!!!!!


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