
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Indigo Way

Indigo way came up on my *To Stitch * list - which means the 4 in front of it are in top form , and I can NOT procrastinate anymore!!!

I have all of Block A done, and am 5 short of Block B - so I went ahead and started laying it out on my wall.

Ohhh It is a busy one!! but it is growing on me. Those Log Cabins came from Patricia - our Colorado QOV is having a little Log Cabin block drive - we are using Lo and Behold Stitchery's pattern - in the Patriotic color way... 

But look at that quilt grow!!! It is still busy to me - but... I will keep ironing blocks and see what it looks like!!

And in my Quilting life - I am QUilting my July RSC quilt!!! Whoo hooo!!!!

I might have gotten carried away . It started raining Tuesday night, so I have to shut everything down, and I saw a pile of paper.... and now... I have three garbage bags of things old enough to have children, ready to throw away.... Sigh..... 

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  1. Wow! I'm impressed with your Indigo Way! I too thought it was going to be too busy for me; but, in the end, I liked it. The pieced outer border toned down the busy center! Your quilting pattern for your July RSC is gorgeous! Hooray for eliminating unnecessary paper!

  2. Well it is busy, but it is gorgeous! Loved the peek at your RSC quilt.

  3. You have definitely made the most of your "all about me" month. Love the quilting on your July RSC quilt. It took awhile before I started to like Indigo Way. I too thought it was really busy, but once you get all the blocks done, it does seem to calm down a bit as your eye can pick out several patterns when the blocks are all sewn together. Good luck!

  4. Indigo Way is very pretty-interesting to figure out all of the interactions of the geometry!

  5. Your Indigo Way is looking great. Mine is in a project box because I can't decide how I want it to end up. I'm thinking I'll be keeping it on the smaller side.


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