
Friday, August 16, 2024

A String Quilt and!! Finished ( or not) Friday

My String Quilt is FINISHED!!! and... I still have strings - just not in those colors anymore ;-) 

 I really like the Darker Blue in the center of the string block. I think it provides some consistency to the chaos that is (are) String Quilts. 

Baby Bella Loves it too.... She is very protective of my quilts. However she does think that fleece blankies are hers for the terrorizing... and dragging around the house, and up on the couch, and in front of the window.

I quilted flowers all over it. I think it reminds me of a Flower garden - that Riot of color!!

And look at that... I started quilting on my Jelly Roll Quilt! I said I would and I did - and I am so proud!! ( Free pattern found here) 

I do have to admit to being a bit sore today. I started in on my office, and I just kept going. Why do I stack so many things on the ground? This might be a month long process - but!! I also got 2 boxes of my parents stuff sorted. Win .... but Sore ;-)

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  1. I really like that blue in the middle too

  2. I like that blue center too - it's a beautiful quilt. Bella makes a great quilt model!

  3. Your string quilt turned out so well! I like the energy that the different directions create, and the piano key border. Hope your sorting is successful.

  4. Beautiful string quilt. Prettier pup! San / Murphy, NC

  5. I did a double take when reading that the dark blue string was the center of the block. I had thought it was sashing based on the setting. It does create a visually appealing quilt. More so, than if there were no unifying blue.

  6. Two beauties!!! (Well, three if we count Bella, too!) Nice job on the quilts!

  7. The string quilt looks great! That blue sashing really pulls it together.

  8. Hi Alycia, I really love the dark blue around the string blocks. It really adds a lot to it! Baby Bella is getting very big! Will she be getting much bigger? Looks like you'll have to keep fleece blankets around for her :-)

  9. Bella is "seriously" guarding that quilt. What a gorgeous pup she is! And what a great quilt you finished this week. I love the pop of colours and flowers are exactly what this quilt is calling for. Great job! Give a big hug to Bella for me please. ;^)

  10. Wonderful string quilt! The blue contrasting with the scraps really makes it great. Congrats on getting started on the quilt for the rail fence, and thanks for the free pattern!

  11. Very pretty. I love string quilts, and the blue in the middle goes so nicely with everything else.

  12. Your string quilt turned out beautifully. Using the blue sashing to break up the colors a bit worked out nicely. Hopefully the soreness goes away soon. I did some deep cleaning a week or so ago, took me a week to recover!

  13. Bella is so photogenic! The string quilt backdrop is the perfect accent! Love your skinny sashing!

  14. Lovely string quilt, and cute model 😉 the Jelly roll quilt looks very pretty too!

  15. Baby Bella looks so at home in front of your beautiful string quilt, the blue strips really make the whole q

  16. String quilts are so economical!!! And I love your next patriotic quilt, too!!!

  17. I agree that the blue was a great choice!


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